CHAPTER TWO#letsmakeakill

Start from the beginning

Jason jumps across a few felled trees and scattered logs. He sees the demoniac pull over on his left side before scampering back into the darkness in alertness. Jason engages his pyroelementric and sends multiple flaming daggers into the darkness, lighting up the woods like traveling fireworks. They hit different spots but none of them makes contact with the possessed man.

“How does he move so fast!” Jason exclaims in exhaustion, looking through the path of flaming trees he caused.

“Dude’s high on that demon juice,” Damien watches the shirtless man streak past him as soon he speaks. He stops running and points his flashlight further ahead, waiting for the demoniac to run by. The man didn’t run up ahead which implied he was still within Damien’s range.

“Alright, I think I've got him in my position. I'm sending my coordinates right now. You guys try to flank from wherever you stand, I’ll head in more to see if-”
Damien pauses and turns around when he hears a branch snap. He reaches for his radio and mutes it. Raising the beam of his flashlight towards the spot of suspicion, Damien realizes he was face to face with the energetic demoniac.

There he stood, a thin shirtless man with bruises and cuts all over his body. His eyes were blood-shot red; blood dripping down the corner of his bottom eyelid. His teeth were jagged and twisted; having the resemblance to little thorns. Damien knew this class of demon was no joke at all.

“Well, would you look at that,” Damien grins, staring into the eyes of the deeply possessed man “Hell’s speedster finally took a break,”

“Oh, I'm not done yet!” the demon within speaks.

Damien opens his palm and a red tetrahedron forms. He directs an adequate energy to the tetrahedron and it transforms into a machete elementric- its form brighter than the ray of his flashlight.

The demon wasn’t scared seeing the blade. He laughs wildly and raises his left arm to the air, showing Damien the item clenched in his palm,

“Better stay back, kid!” the demon threatens, “Haunting season’s over!”

Damien points his flashlight to the demon’s hand, taking a good look at the object. His cockiness drops when he realizes what it was.

“Alright, easy pal!” Damien disengages his elementric, trying not to pose as a threat.
The object was a medallion; a weapon of unspeakable paranormal chaos. Damien knew its potential, and he wasn’t going to mess around knowing the position he was in right now.

“Damien, status report!” Jane screams from the other side of the radio.

Damien switches his ear radio off. He didn’t want any interference; he didn’t want to piss the demon off by any means. He tries playing mind games with the demon, keeping his strike agitation in check as he paces around.

The demon mirrors Damien’s movements, pacing along carefully as he held the mysterious medallion close.

Damien’s flashlight accidentally points to the ground, revealing what seemed to be the next step of the demon’s scheme. Damien stares at what seemed to be a symbol drawn at a wide radius on the ground; the symbol was a demonic marking to one of hell’s authorities. Damien did a quick calculation and figured out what the whole deal was about.

“Look fella, I don’t want trouble, and I guess, neither do you. So how about you hand that over and I promise I won’t send you back under Lucifer’s skirt,” Damien knew his bargain sounded more like a threat, but he was ready for anything now as he regenerates the machete elementric.

The demon wasn’t moved at all. It still made its host wear a confident smile, pacing around the pattern on the ground.

“You’re in no position to negotiate. If I drop this little thingy here, you're gonna have to kiss your world sayonara!” said the demon

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