My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 39

Start from the beginning

"Go," I whispered, "you have better things to do."

He sluggishly got up, a hollow expression on his face. He walked to the balcony with a stiff posture. And then, just before he left the room, it was like he flipped some sort of internal switch. Suddenly, he was back to being upbeat and looking happy-go-lucky. His face didn't look sad anymore and he had his grin back on. And--

I couldn't be more curious in my life.

I guess I just knew Charlie long enough to know that he looked more robotic than he ever had before. His smile didn't reach his eyes; there wasn't a single a twinkle in them. It made my heart crack, just watching him put on this act.

He didn't trust me enough to tell me why he was acting this way, I thought to myself.

In the back of my mind, part of me knew it could be my fault, but I didn't believe it. What was I? I was just the girl of his dreams' sister, nothing more than a friend that he almost treats like a guy.

That he sometimes lays with, my brain added quietly.

"Goodbye," he sighed, but he left before I could say anything back.


Breakfast went by in a quick blur. My brain was still processing what happened this morning, whilst my parents chatted about the struggles of choosing the right cereal for people their age. Penny was painting her nails, touching only the crackers that Dad always buys. A talk show was playing in the background and the neighbor's chihuahua was barking like crazy.

"You've bearly touched your waffles, Elouise," Mom pointed out, studying me. "Do you need more maple syrup?"

I shook my head with a half-hearted smile. "No, I'm good," I told her.

She frowned at me, looking over at Dad as if asking him if he knew what was up. He too shook his head. She turned to Penny, but she only shrugged. Finally, her gaze locks onto mine.

"You can talk to me when you're ready," she murmured softly.

I now officially owe two people explanations.

"I know," I replied, pushing my chair back and handing her my plate. "I have somewhere to be."

"Go ahead."

And I did.

After a shower, I got dressed in jeans and a three-quarter sleeved shirt. I tied my hair in a fishtail, pulling pieces out to make it seem messy. I even put a wine-coloured beanie on my head. I shoved my feet in my black Doc Martens, grabbed my bag, and went.

I wasn't sure of where to go; I just wanted to get out of the house. So, I just stood there, in front of my house, like a complete idiot. I was sure that Cindy's wasn't an option, at least not at the moment. (There was a chance that Charlie was there, so I crossed it off the list. We needed some space, or at least, I needed it.) I could go to the movies, but I'd feel too alone. I could even visit Zeke, but he might have his latest conquest in his bed. I didn't exactly want to see him like that; it was the side of Zeke that I tried to avoid. Drew's...I didn't think we were at that stage yet.

A smile formed on my lips as I remembered who I could hangout with--even just for a little while. Pulling out my phone from my pocket, I searched my contacts, then pressed call.

"Hey, it's Eli," I said nervously. "You remember that offer, movies and ice cream? Yeah, can I still take you up on that?"


A couple hours, a small tub of cookies n' cream ice cream, and parts 1, 2, and 3 of Pirates of the Caribbean later, and I was back to my old self again. It was a much needed break from everything; from all things overwhelming. For once, I didn't worry about what was gonna happen next or what exactly was my next move. I was just a seventeen-year-old junior in high school, who worried about failing Chemistry and petty, first world problems. Right now, I didn't have any responsibilities, like managing a planned date and participating in a pageant that I didn't volunteer for.

My Best Friend's Brother // Young Love Book 1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now