Chapter 24: Last Breath or First Kiss

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P.O.V Leonard

Breathing... Pumping... Breathing... Pumping... Breathing... Pumping...

The only thing I felt was that I was alive. I was breathing, and my heart kept pumping, and that there was no way that I could die without Cathia.

The moment dad went out, I rushed behind and drove my car out of the garage, heading towards... Nowhere in particular. My speed might have resulted in an accident, but due to the sharp cuts of the cliffs, I slowed my car a bit.

With every passing second, with every passing moment, with every astray thought, with every lost pump and breath, I shivered more and more. I traveled more towards nothingness.

I continued to turn left and then right and then again left, and then again right, thinking that what if? What if I was too late...? What if something happened...? And this 'what if' made me lose control and made me close to getting my car off the cliff.

I tried to reach her out and talk to her, untangling my damn lost mind out of the thoughts of hopelessness. But I got nothing. I didn't know if she was too far or if our connection went weaker, or if she...

I suddenly hit the brakes. 'No...' was all that I satisfied my mind and my soul with. I pulled the car over to the road's side. Lowering my head over the steering wheel, I closed my eyes and concentrated.

The first day when we met, the day when Cathia kidnapped Darren, I found him because he had switched on his device's GPS, and luckily, Cathia didn't notice it. But today, everything was blurred and blank with no GPS, no teleportation goal, nothing.

Taking a deep breath, I calmed my nerves, and putting aside all those terrible thoughts of 'what if's' that kept on mumbling around like a summon to hell, I focused again on connecting with her.

Telepathy was one of those powers over which I had full control now. I was able to communicate with everybody, anywhere. So, I kept on concentrating.

Among all the communication threads in my mind, Cathia's was Red, and this was the only specific thing with which I distinguished between everyone, colors.

"Cathia... Where are you...?" I asked her hoping, she might get this message, "I won't let you go again, please... Speak..." Her thread was lifeless. Darren's and Lionel's were vibrating, which meant that they wanted to talk. They were worried for me, but I was in no mood because the one for whom I was worried was worth it. I continued sending her notes.

And then, I saw it!

It moved just a little, but still, it moved. "Cathia?" I called her name softly. It moved again, and I held my breath back and focused, forgetting my surroundings, forgetting everything.

It moved again, and reading it, I released my breath when I heard her call back my name, "Leo."

"Cathia, where are you?"

As soon as I asked, it stopped moving. My breathing quickened. Pressure quickened, and the ground below slowly started to creep away.

"Cathia... please don't scare me." A stray tear fell on my cheek. I got a signal back, muffled, but still, I received it. She said, "I'm heading towards the mansion."

"Where? Which one?" I was so much occupied with the stress and with the thumping of my heart in my ears, it felt quite difficult to focus on where she might be going. "Where are you heading to?" I asked again, but nothing came back.

"Cathia, Cathia, Cathia....." I was so close to banging my head against the steering wheel when I thought of Morris Mansion. Hurriedly, I started the engine, and God saved me when I turned my car at the sharp cut of the cliff. I headed back. My journey was again back, back from where I started it, back from where I gained and I lost.

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