The Old end to the New Beginning

Start from the beginning

"No no no. Kevin open the door!" I yelled as I continued to twist on the door.

"No. Just leave me alone. Let me do it. Please." His voice was so low, I could barely hear him, but I did.

"Kevin I'm not letting you do this. Open the door. Kevin just hear me out. I know it feels like you're all alone. I know it feels like everyone left. But we didn't, I'm here. I'm still here and I'm always going to be here. I know I left, I had a good reason. But I'm back. I'm back and I'm not going anywhere okay? You need someone to lean on and to vent to and cry with. I can be that person if you feel Essence isn't anymore."

An empty silence filled the house as I heard blows from the heat.

I sighed once I heard him unlock the door.

I opened the door and Kevin stood there with his head hanging low.

"I just want to feel normal again." He cried as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I know."
Essence's POV

"Please leave your message for-"
I groaned as I tossed my phone in the passenger seat.

I've been trying to call him all day and it's been going straight to voicemail.

Pulling up at Kevin's house, I saw a car that looked familiar but I didn't know who's it was.

I got my things together and headed inside.

"He said I'm the baddest the baddest, ain't no one that can do it like me." I heard singing as soon as I entered the house.

Locking the door as I put my things down, I saw Kevin asleep on the couch.

I looked around and froze when I saw a baby asleep across from him.

"What the hell?" I mumbled as I walked into the kitchen.

I know he doesn't have a babymomma does he?

I stopped walking once I saw a head full of light brown curls.

She turned around and gave me a small smile.

"Hey Essence."
Her accent was thick as she spoke.

"Hey." I mumbled as I walked back out and to where Kevin was.

"Wait! Don't wake him." Amelia whisper yelled.
I was confused on why she was here but I didn't want to be rude.

But she looks comfortable as hell in his clothes and with her baby sleeping on his couch.

"Not to be rude but.......Why are you here?" I asked her.

She sighed and crossed her arms as if she was annoyed.

"I asked to come over and he said I could. I came over here and he almost tried to kill himself. He said that you left him when he needed you the most. He said that you were the one he wanted to be with, forever, but he felt betrayed." She told me.

He tried to kill himself?

"I had to take Diggy to the hospital. He's grandma had a stroke. It happened so fast, but I tried to call him." I told her.

"I told him that something bad probably happened but he wouldn't listen. He told me to tell you that he wants you out."
The last part she said so low I could barely hear her.

"What do you mean he wants me out?"
Confusion swept over me as I stared at her.
She looked sad almost, as if she didn't want to say it again.

"He wants to break up with you......but I don't think he should. I know he shouldn't."
She told me.

At this point, I wanted answers. So I went over to the couch to wake him.

"Kevin. Kevin wake up."
I shook him and he began to awake.

He stood up and rubbed his eyes, looking exactly like a toddler.

Once he got himself together, he looked at me and then at Amelia.

"Don't look at me like that....I told her what you said. I still don't think you should it though." She told him.

"What's going on?"
I was beyond confused and slightly scared.

"We're through."
His hazel eyes pierced into mine as he walked away from me. My heard dropped to my feet.

"What do you mean we're through? What did I do?"
I asked as I followed him up the stairs.

"It doesn't matter. Just get your things and go."

"No. I'm not going anywhere until you tell me why." I told him as I closed his bedroom door behind us.

"I said go home Essence. We're done. I don't need you here anymore." He spoke lowly.

"Kevin, you may not need me...but I need you. I can't leave. I have no where to go." I told him as tears ran down my face.

"Go back to your apartment." He went inside his closet and got out my suitcase. He then started to drag it out of the room.

"I can't. Hakeem is there. He'll kill me Kevin." I cried harder.

"At this point. I don't care. Just get out."
I froze and suddenly, I felt like I had gotten punched in the stomach.

"Are you serious?" I asked as I walked up to him. "You really don't love me anymore?" I added.

"I never loved you in the first place. I thought I did. But I don't. I know that now. I just want you out of my life. So get out." His voice was no longer loving. It was cold and hurtful.

"O-Okay." I mumbled as I grabbed my suitcase and left.

Getting in my car after putting the suitcase in the trunk, I sped off.

I can't believe I thought he loved me.
I'm so stupid.
He's Kevin freaking Alston.
Why would he love someone like me?
Honestly.......I think this is trash. But please comment. I'm loosing hope with writing guys🥺

I love youuuu🤍


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2020 ⏰

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