Nov 22 2019 326/39

106 3 21


HI ho
hi ho
it's off to Alps we go

I've always wanted to ski a slope.
So, please don't say nope!

So much action... we all need naps!
Then a vacation to re-sap our sap.
A cure all for all our aches and ills
An Alp will make a healing hill.

Maybe we will get to visit
With our old friend Betty Yetti
Surely she has moved beyond
Try'n catch an Elfin eye.
Rob might find his home with her
And be no more Rob the Blob
But Rob the Lime  Icicle Hero ....
Her Braveheart eau de yert!

At night we can all huddle round a blazing fire place.
Drinking cocoa with marshmallows
Fred might even get to first base.

In the morning, Sykes can flip pan cakes
Anna will make Scotch eggs.
Barbie can measure out corn flakes.

Then we'll hit the icy mountains...
With our skies and
Saint Bernard kegs.

Swoop and slither down the ski trails
Stop for massages for our sore legs
(Sorry Big'T)

Then we'll all eat steak for supper
Right after we swim in the heated grotto
And then we'll dance the night away
in a nightclub built for otters.

And the beds!... Oh! the beds!
Piles of  satin covered goose down
that float on warm water balloons ...
We'll sleep till way after noon!

It's just what we need to gird our loins and prepare
For the final thrust of Adventures.
And our biggest, wildest dares!

 And our biggest, wildest dares!

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