December 14th 348/17

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Sarah N Dippity sang this song,


All my troubles seemed three moves away

Now your queen has took my knight away

The King's been checked to my dismay'

Why you... on your go, moved that pawn

I couldn't say

Now my king's exposed

Bishop Olly Day's turned grey .....'

Things became a little unstable

When Elf took his turn and sacrificed Mable

Short Fred was going to make his move

But Mable was not in the mood with her betrothed

When Sarah's rook dinked Gus away

Elf knew that he had won the day

As Elf cried out, 'Hurray check mate'

He pushed Sarah's face into a plate....of custard

And that was when her stooges busted out

Through Wonderland's tunnel of love

To Santa's workshop, a terrible plan

To make all the dollies smell like ham

The bears carried mustard pickles and spuds

Ran up to the dollies and declared their love

Luckily Barbie appeared on the scene

And hosed down the dolls until they were clean

'This workshops a mess' Santa spoke in distress

'The doll's hair's all matted with soggy dresses'

Barbie said, 'I'll help', and picked up a comb

And started to fashion the dolls  long wet tresses

Reckless Sam started to make wooden toys

Anna Gram packaged the gifts for the boys

Gus designed prams that would fly in the sky

And Boris licked candy that gave sugar highs

Ingenious industry all worked so hard

With 3000 Elves working in Santa's yard

Bicycles jigsaws and replica pheasants

All wrapped up neatly in bowed Christmas presents

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