"Hello?" I heard his voice. Tears rolled down my cheek very slowly.
"Hello?" He said again.
"I'm sorry. I should have said that a long time ago. I'm sorry that I broke the promise. I'm sorry I hurt you. And I'm sorry that I didnt call earlier. I want you to know that I never stopped loving you and I never will. I hope everything is going well with the band. I know I cant take back my actions but I can at least explain." I stopped to see what he would respond but he said nothing.
"Mario said that he was feeling sad and me being the person that I am I told him he could visit me so we could talk about it. What I didnt know was that he was going to kiss me. And I swear that I never kissed him back once." I bit my nails.
"You promise?" He said.
"I promise." I said.
"Why did you decide to call now?" He asks calmly.
"Let's just say that something happened that changed my life and it made me want to tell you before something else might happen. It made me realize what a fool I've been," I say. He was silent for awhile and that made me nervous.
"I forgive you," he says. I sigh in relief.
"But I wont get back together with you."
"No I understand." There was an uncomfortable silence.
"So how are you?" He says.
"I'm ok right now. How about you? Anything exciting?" I lied.
"We are working on our first album. Been traveling. I'm surprised by how many fans we have."
"I knew you could do it." I smile even though he cant see me. I felt like he smiled too.
"How is school?" He asks. I bit my lip.
"Um well hmm..."
"Hello Veronica I'm nurse Gabriel." Said the nurse who is going to be in charge of taking care of me. He walked in with my parents.
"Why is there a nurse in your house?" Erick asks.
"I'm sick! Yes I'm sick. I have to go. Bye Ojitos." I hang up. Gabriel started talking to me and telling me what the procedures were. He said that I'll get used to it. But I dont think so. We started the chemotherapy right away. It was my first night and I didnt feel comfortable. My parents stayed here with me. I looked up at the ceiling staring at the white wall. A million things ran through my mind. And I feel asleep thinking and hugging coco.  I woke up and I hoped that this was all a dream. That I didn't have leukemia, that I was laying in my room, that I was still with Erick. But when I looked around I was in the same boring white room. My parents were already awake and they looked tired. We ate pancakes that were in the hospital and they were pretty good even though I ate a few bites. They told me that I should explore the hospital so I did. As I was walking I saw a little boy with a teddy bear in his hand, about 5 years old walk up to me.
"You're new?" He asks.
"I'm Juan." He stuck his hand out.
"You want me to show you around?" He says.
"Yes please!" I figured that if I was going to stay here that I should know the place. We were walking through the hospital halls and he pointed out things along the way.
"So what type of cancer do you have?" He asks me.
"Leukemia. You?"
"Same. Since I was 2." I frowned. He has been here a long time.
"You get used to it. How old are you?" He asks me.
"I'm 14. I'm turning 15 next month."
"So how was life before you found out that you had leukemia? I dont really remember mine since I was little." He asks.
"I went to school. I had 2 best friends. And I had a boyfriend who actually was in a TV show. But we broke up." I said sadly.
"What TV show?" He asks curiously. He was so adorable.
"La banda. And he actually won."
"No way! I watched that show! Which one is your boyfriend. Is it Erick? He is your age so I'm guessing its him." He said excitedly.
"Yes." I laugh.
"Wow. Why did you break up?" He asks.
"I think you're too young to know."
"Please! The only drama I get is telenovelas. And I already know most of the stuff." He said pleading me. I opened my eyes wide. I told him the story straight up. And he listened carefully.
"You didnt make it to the airport?!?" He said loudly.
"That's what Johann said."
"You are friends with him?" He asks.
"Yep. I'm friends with Johann, Yoandri, Joel, Christopher, Richard, and Zabdiel. And I dont know what is happening with me and Erick."
"Do you think they'll visit you sometime?"
"Johann and Yoandri might. But I dont want to tell the others that I have cancer."
"I get it. You are no longer normal. And people start feeling bad for you. And they look at you in a different way." He said looking down.
"Yea." I say. He continued to show me around and I think I made a new friend.

Lisette came to visit me regularly. Yoandri called me once asking me why I wasn't in my house. I told him that I had leukemia and he along with Johann visited me 3 days a week. We would hang out with Juan and he was amazed when they sang for him. They really liked him.Christopher also asked me if I was ok and I told him that I was. I didnt want him to tell Erick. I was already tired of people feeling bad for me.

Soon it was Christmas eve. My parents didn't stay with me anymore but they visited me every single day. I got used to the procedures. But my hair was all gone. And I lost a lot of weight. We got to go to our house for Christmas Eve and Christmas. As for me and Erick we still talked but it wasn't as we used to. And I missed him a lot. Before I left I went to Juan's room. I had gotten him a new teddy bear since his looked a little worn out. I knocked his door.
"Merry Christmas eve Veronica." He said hugging me.
"Merry Christmas eve Juan." I smiled.
"What's that?" He said pointing at the present.
"Its for you," I said giving him the present. He opened it excitedly. He pulled it out and hugged me tightly.
"Thank you!"
"Your welcome Juan."
"I dont have anything for you. All I have to say is that I hope that everything goes well with you and Erick." Erick came to Florida for Christmas.
"Thanks Juan. I gotta go. Merry Christmas!" I left and he yelled," Merry Christmas!" I smiled. My mom picked me up and gave me present. It was a necklace that said Fearless.
"Feliz Navidad hija. Te amo mucho." She said smiling.
"Gracias mami." I hugged her. We went home and the house smelled like food. Christmas was my favorite holiday. Later that night we had some family over. Some of them gave me a sad look and I just looked away. I texted Lisette, Yoandri, Johann, and Christopher Merry Christmas. And then I texted Erick.

Merry Christmas Ojitos. Have a great Christmas!

Thanks Veronica. Merry Christmas Chiquita.

I smiled that was the first time in awhile that he called me Chiquita. The next day I opened my presents. I got some nice shirts. We spent Christmas as a family with Lisette. We went back to the hospital the next day. On our way we past Erick's house. My heart stopped. I saw Erick. I immediately put my hoodie up. I dont think he sees us because he keeps on doing what he was doing. I kind of do wish that he saw me though.

When we got to the hospital Juan was already there. He runs up to me and grabs my hand and starts to jump up and down.
"What's wrong Juan?" I say jumping too.
"I dont have cancer anymore!"
"YES!" I hugged him and spined him around. He laughs.
"I'm so happy for you!"
"Thank you," he says. I couldn't describe how happy I was. He was a little kid whose life was in a hospital. In such a short time he had become one of my close friends. This was a christmas miracle.
"I'm going to miss you buddy," I say.
"Me too but I'll come and visit you." He said still smiling.
"I want you to live life to the fullest. Have fun for me." I say kneeling down to his height.
"I will dont worry." He laughs. His parents call him. He hugs me one more time, his small hands around my neck.
"Bye Veronica. And thank you for making these last moments her in the hospital more fun." He says.
"No problem." I smile. Then I watch him leave. Then I go to my room and sleep. I feel someone shaking me.
"Mmm?" I hum.
"You've slept all day!" Gabriel says.
"For real?"
"Yes! Wake up," he says.
"Ok." I watch tv. I feel a pain coming from my arm. I see bruises. Its not uncommon for people with leukemia. But I felt weak and those bruises made me feel even worse. Then I get a call from Christopher. I hear him sniff like he was crying.
"Is it true..?"


This chapter was really long sorry.  Also dont hate me. 😅😅😅

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When You Were Mine •Erick Brian Colon StoryWhere stories live. Discover now