Chapter One

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Lance nearly smashed his head into the ceiling after hearing the alarms blare in his room. He sat up with a groan and rushed to change, adjusting his armor as he ran to the bridge. Lance stumbled into the room, barely catching himself on the wall before tripping over his own feet.

"Your response to the alarm was faster than usual but I think you can do better," Allura announced as she looked over her timepiece. The team groaned at the realization that this was just an unnecessary wake-up call.

"If there's no reason to be here can we back to bed then?" Hunk yawned.

"Yes, you may leave," the princess answered. She looked up and motioned towards Keith and Lance.

"On second thought, Keith, Lance, I need you two to stay behind for a little longer." The two boys groaned in annoyance as the rest of the team walked back to their rooms.

"I wanted to discuss with the two of you a mission I had in mind." She turned her datapad towards the two boys. "You see, we are coming close to a planet called Urco, primarily known for its famous healing roots ," Allura explained.

"How exactly does this involve us?" Lance questioned, slightly annoyed. Keith shot him a glare as the princess continued her explanation.

"I want the two of you to retrieve the root so that we can restore the pods to their full potential. I chose both of you because I think this will help strengthen your bonds as paladins."

"What?!?" Lance screeched. "Keith and I are tooootally close! We don't need to go on this mission together! Right, Keith? Tell her I'm right!" Lance clung to Keith's arm as if to prove his point.

Keith rolled his eyes as he shoved Lance off his arm. "We'll do it Allura. When do you want us to leave?"

"We'll be arriving at the planet within the next quintant so I'll inform you of the details then. You may return to your sleeping chambers," Allura said, waving her hand to dismiss them.

Keith left the bridge, a grumbling Lance following close behind him. Once Keith made it to his room, he turned to say bye to Lance, only to find him pouting in front of his door.

"What's wrong, Lance? Keith asked, annoyed.

"I don't wanna get this stupid root plant from this stupid root plant planet. And I don't see why I have to go with you! No offense." Lance complained.

"Just quit complaining already. The faster we finish this mission and show the team we can somewhat function as paladins together, the faster they'll be off our backs." Keith retorted. "Just go to sleep." Keith slipped into his room and Lance was left alone in the hall.

He grumbled and complained as he slipped into his room to sleep as well.

* * *

Lance couldn't keep himself still as he and Keith rode down to Urco in the red lion.

"Paladins, I want to remind you that the air is breathable on this planet but please refrain from removing your helmets. We don't know what new creatures live on the surface," Allura warned over the coms. "Our data for this planet is over 10,000 years old and the life forms inhabiting they surface may have evolved into something potentially dangerous."

"Understood," Keith replied, landing the lion on a clear patch of the forested planet.

The two paladins exited the lion and pulled out their datapads, following the map Coran provided them with. It only took five minutes of silence before Lance decided to make his boredom known.

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