Chapter Seven

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The team stood on the bridge the next day, watching as Allura brought the castle closer to the planet with the space mall.

"I'm sure you guys know the drill by now but make sure not to draw too much attention to yourselves," Shiro announced. "Since Keith and Lance aren't able to fly the lions at the moment, we don't want the Galra finding us macking down on some space McDonald's completely unprepared. Got it?"

The team nodded in agreement, chuckling at Shiro's attempt at humor.

"This is as close as I can get us to the planet without drawing attention to the castle," Allura stated. "You'll have to take a shuttle to the surface."

The paladins headed towards the shuttle hangar, hardly concealing their excitement.

"I've been waiting FORVEVER to get some new games for my earth console!" Pidge exclaimed. "D'you think they'll have an earth store on this planet?"

"I hope so," Hunk said. "I could really go for some chocolate chips right now. Or peanut butter. I miss peanut butter so much." Hunk made an exaggerated sniffling sound as he thought about the lack of peanut butter in his life.

"If they have peanut butter and chocolate we can make Reese's!" Pidge shouted. The green paladin sprinted towards the hangar, yelling for the team to catch up.

The other four paladins jogged towards the hangar to catch up with Pidge, climbing into the shuttle one at a time. Shiro took his place in the pilots chair, waiting for the team to take their seats. Hunk and Pidge sat in the chairs behind Shiro, chatting animatedly about the mall.

"Uhmmmm, where exactly are Keith and I supposed to sit?" Lance asked as he stared at the singular remaining chair in the shuttle.

"Just share the seat," Pidge said nonchalantly. "It's like a ten minute trip so what's the big deal?" She turned towards Hunk, and evil grin across her face.

Lance gulped, thinking about his dream and Keith. He shifted uncomfortably, rubbing his thighs together. He looked over at Keith, who shrugged awkwardly, avoiding Lance's eyes.

"Okay then." Lance sat down on the seat, squeezing to one side. Keith moved to sit beside him, barely sitting down before Shiro flew the shuttle out of the hangar. Keith fell into Lance's lap, a blush taking over his face. Keith tried to adjust his position, but the automatic belt came around him, effectively keeping him in place.  He was straddling Lance's lap, holding his shoulders for support.

"Sorry," Keith mumbled.

"It's fine," All Lance could think about was his dream and it was driving him crazy.

Keith shifted trying to adjust his position, until the shuttle rocked, sending him into Lance's chest. Keith tried to sit back up before he felt arms coming around him.

"Just stay like this," Lance whispered. "That way you won't be sent every which way when the shuttle moves."

Keith relaxed into Lance's chest, enjoying the closeness. He felt his eyes starting to drift before he heard Shiro announce their landing. As soon as the pod touched the ground the seatbelts retracted, Keith quickly removing himself from Lance's lap so the team wouldn't see. Keith hadn't even realized he was still holding Lance's hand until Pidge walked by with a knowing grin, glancing at their hands. Keith blushed and turned towards Lance.

"Is there anything you want to see here?" Keith asked as Lance stood from the seat.

"Actually, yeah," Lance responded. "Before we left I did some research about what they have here and there's a store that's supposed to help with Yorraelaon bites. I thought we could check it out?" Lance asked.

"Uh, yeah. Sure," Keith agreed. He looked away, staring at the ground. He knew Lance would be uncomfortable with being so close to Keith. He should've known better than to have let himself get so attached.

The duo explored the mall in search of the love bug store, finally finding it hidden in one of the halls towards the back. The two stopped outside the store trying to stare in to see if it was what they were looking for, but the windows were tinted and the door was closed. Keith glanced at Lance unsurely. He shrugged.

"Doesn't hurt to look." Lance led the two towards the door and opened it, both immediately hit by a sugary sweet smell.

What was inside was surprising and unexpected to say the least. Half the walls were covered in various candies and sweets, lit brightly within the store, while the back wall was dimmed and not visible from the door. The center of the room was completely empty, except for the table that was centered in the room, covered in various bottles and flasks. Keith turned around, ready to leave the store, when Lance suddenly pulled him farther in, towards the table. Behind the table was a small alien, his skin a pale blue. He stared at the two boys with his many eyes, continuously shifting.

"What brings you into my shop?" The alien asked.

"U-um," Lance stuttered. "We heard that this store had items that could help with a Yorraelaon bite."

"Ah, yes. I see it now," the small alien said. "Come closer. I do have a few items that will aid with the bite." The two boys approached the table, waiting for the alien to continue.

The alien pulled out three items that were not recognizable to the boys. He held up a bottle of clear liquid, shushing it around slightly.

"This is a potion of verity. Many bite victims do not know what it really means to be bitten, and should the two of you both drink from this bottle, it will help you both to see." The alien put down the bottle and held up a set of large bands.

"These are greges bands. They were created with the venom that the Yorraelaon greges produced, and when worn by both that were bitten, they reduce the effect of the bite, as well as create a link between you to." He set down the bands and removed a dark cylindrical item from the bag on the table.

"This final item is the best help when it comes to the Yorraelaon bite, but since it appears that you two don't know the true meaning of the bite, I see now that bringing it out was pointless." He tosses the object behind him, not even giving the boys a clear look of what it was.

"So these to items are what I've got. I'll give them both to you if you give me a lock of hair from each of you. Human samples are rare to come by."

"Deal!" Lance exclaimed without a second thought. The alien handed him a pair of scissors and Lance cut off a piece of his hair, handing it to the alien. He handed the scissors to Keith, who eyed them uncertainly. He brought the scissors up to a lock of his hair and cut it for the alien, passing the scissors and the hair back to him. The alien placed the bands and the potion in a bag and handed it to Lance, waving as the two left the store.

"It's so rare to find a case of true love," the alien said to himself. "Too bad those two boys have yet to realize it." He tucked the locks of hair in a sealed bottle and headed off to the back of his store.

*  *  *

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