I call him.

"Where are you???" He whine

"Jimin oppa...this clothes is really over!" I said

"No! You need to wear it. Now come to the park. Now!" He said and hung up

//time skip//

When I arrived all heads turn to me.

"Y/n!" Jin oppa yell as I ran to him to hug him

"I miss you guys!" I said as I hug each of them

"Why you're wearing that clothes?" Suga oppa ask

"Jimin oppa ask me to wear this" I said and they nod

"Now! Let's celebrate!" Jimin oppa yell


We get along just like before. I hope they didn't leave me again.

Jimin POV

I was sitting beside Jungkook on a bench. Just the two of us. The others are playing with each other.

"Jimin hyung...do you know why Y/n remember me?" He ask

"Love" I said

"Love?" He ask

"She love you" he said

"Ohh! I see! That's why! She love me" he said

"You didn't notice?" I ask at him smiling because of his silliness

"Why...she love me as a friend. What's wrong with that...? Or..." he trail off

"Think about it Jungkook. You're the one who made her happy. She always said that you're her big happiness. Of course she fall for you" I said

"She love me as a...lover?" He ask and I nod

"Think about it again Jungkook"

-That night-


I come back home with dirty blood all over my shirts and everyone looks shocked except Jimin oppa

"What happen?!" Jin oppa yell

"I went to hunt some devils around this neighborhood." I said

"You hunt them?!" Rapmon oppa said

"Yeah...cause they're killing and eating human flesh." I answer

"In this area?" Jhope ask and I nod

"Wah! Y/n is pro now" V said

"I know. I know." I said as we laugh. But I smell something. I smell devil. Just one.

"Shhh!" I ask them to shut up


"Shh...I smell devil" I said as we fall in a dead silence.

I went out and saw the devil on the roof. When it saw me he jump infront of me and smirk. I don't waste time and just cut his head off with my sword as the dead body turn into ashes. Since he was quite close to me before, his blood are all over me. I went in and saw everyone shocked expression.

"They're finding you Y/n" Suga oppa

"I know! But don't worry. For this last 2 years...I managed to fight all of them. Now I need to shower. Their blood are disgusting" I said and left

Jungkook POV

"She's really matured now"  V hyung said

"There's no blushing anymore and more self compliment" Rapmon hyung said

"She even have muscles and abs. What do you think. She also don't let me call her little angel anymore but I still always tease her" Jimin oppa said and everyone gasped

"I think...I'll go to my room" I said as I left to my room and when I went in I saw my journal.

"Ah! It's here. That's why...I search for it but never found it" I mumble to myself

I look through it and saw she wrote everything that happen for this past 2 years.

"I hope you didn't mind I continued your journal" she said from behind me as I look at her

"No. It's fine.You finished showering?" I ask and she nod

"I'm gonna sleep" she said and jump in the bed

"Where am I gonna sleep?" I ask

"Here tho. Like usual" she said pointing at the empty space beside her in the bed

"Okay!" I said and jump in the bed too as she suddenly hug.

"I'm glad you're back." She said as she snug more in my chest and I swear my face are red and my heart are racing.








It's Christmas and we're at the cliff in the woods before. Just chilling. I was laying down on Jin's car hood, looking at the stars while Jungkook is beside me.

"Ahh...I'm boreddd" Jungkook whine


"What?" Suddenly he tickles me and I was laughing so hard until we both fall rolling to the ground.

"Stop-stop it. My b-back hurts! KOOK!" I yell as he stop

-At the same time-
-Few feets behind Y/n and Jungkook-

"Omg look at them...they're so cuteee" I said while shaking Rapmon shoulder

"Are they in love?" V ask

"We don't know. All that we know...that no one can break their relationship anymore" Suga said

Back to Y/n POV

"You don't have something to tell me y/n?" Jungkook ask

"What?" I ask him back

"I don't know that you love me" he said and I felt my heart beat beating faster

"Jimin oppa really doesn't know how to close his mouth" I reply

"Sure he did. But why didn't you tell me?" He ask
"I'm fine if wether you love me back or don't. So I don't tell you" I said

"You don't want me to be your boyfriend and you being your girlfriend?" He ask while smiling
"It's not like you want me to be your girlfriend and plus it's not like you love me" I said at him while smile to him back

"What if I said I love you and I want you to be my girlfriend?" He ask

"Then we became a couple lol" I answer and didn't realize I just answer his question without thinking

"Then that's settle" he said as he intertwine our hands and look at me in the eyes. I was really shocked as my jaw dropped.

"Wha-" he cut me off
"I mean it. I love you and I want you to be my girlfriend" he said

Jungkook POV

"I mean it. I love you and I want you to be my girlfriend" I said.

This past 2 years I remember how much I miss her and before that, before I left her...I remember how many times she made my heart flutter. Isn't that mean I love her? Yes...I love her.

"F-for real?" She ask and I nod as she let out a smile    

"I love you~ and I can't believe you claim me as yours" she said and smile even more bigger


"I love you too" Jungkook said as he show his bunny smile that made my heart flutter. I felt like my life is completed. It's like dream come true.


Hope you have fun reading! Sorry for any grammar mistakes or typos. I'm sure will correct it back. Stay tune.

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