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I'm still sleeping peacefully on my comfy bed. It's not like we have school today. But then my phone rang. I groan at the sound of it but eventually accepting the call without looking at the id.


"Good morning y/n~" At the sound of this voice I already know who he is.

"What do you want Jungkook? You ruin my sleep" I said

"Come to my house. I want you to meet someone" he said

"Come on...it's weekend. I need a rest from the outside world. Anyway I just got 1 day to rest since tomorrow I need to go to my part time work" I whine

"Please~ Just today~"he beg

"Hmmp...fine...see you in 30 minutes. But you better make my day worth it" I said and hung up.

I get off my bed and go to shower. After 15 minutes showering. I wear a lack t-shirt with black jeans. Then I'm ready to go. I check the time and it is freaking 8am?! He better prepare me a breakfast. I got out of my house and I start to knock on Jungkook house door.

"Knock knock" I could here noises behind the door. The door suddenly open and someone hug me.

"Yo V, Jimin let her go!" Jungkook said as the 2 men let me go.

I look at the 2 men. One of them has somewhat like pail brown hair with this box smile plastered on his face.

 One of them has somewhat like pail brown hair with this box smile plastered on his face

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Another one has baby pink hair and a babyish smile plastered on his face

Another one has baby pink hair and a babyish smile plastered on his face

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I couldn't lie but both of them are really cute and handsome.

"Omg Jungkook...you're right she's really cute. Plus her glasses that make her even more cuter." Jimin said cupping my face.

"Wow...for the first time someone compliment about me after a long time" I said as Jimin let go of my face.

"Don't make the guest waiting outside kids!" Someone shout.

"Oh...sorry" V said as he move aside and I went in.

There's a man sleeping on the couch, another one scrolling his phone screen, and another one dancing and there's this one man come out of kitchen wearing an apron looking so tall and broad.

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