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-Next Day-
-At school-

Jungkook sat beside me again and didn't ignore me and I was glad. We were in photography class now.

"Jungkook, I told you that you didn't need to believe what I said when I'm drunk" I said I bit pity at Lisa cause she didn't even do something illegal tho

"I believe what I want" he said as he grin


"So today. You have to work in pair. I need you to go find an inspiration around school. Just find anything. Then you need to represent why you choose it. You pair is the one who you sit with. Lisa you will join y/n and Jungkook since you don't have partner" The teacher said. One thing...I don't have camera.  Why? Cause I don't think we would use anytime soon.

"Off you to go now. 30 minute." the teacher said. The teacher said as we went out.

"So where to go? You're the longest student here" Jungkook said

"Uh follow me" I bring them to the garden and they started to take picture but I just stand there. I suddenly remember a sakura tree that is at the field.  There's only one there and I usually went to sit there and also it's kinda catching my eyes for the first time I saw it and it was beautiful

"You don't have camera?" Jungkook ask


"Here take mine and go to take picture of something" he give the camera as I head to the field. I take the picture of the tree fom afar and even from closed. It felts really odd to take picture since I've already stop taking pictures. I love taking photos before. It was my hobbies. I went back to them.

"Here" I hand the camera to him as he look at the picture.

"Beautiful" he said and smile at me

"Aren't mine the most beautiful?" Lisa said as she show a picture to Jungkook.

"Yup. Beautiful too. But we need  to decide just one picture" he said

"Mine!" Lisa said

"You sure? Cause I saw y/n take the the picture from the best direction and even know the best way to take the picture" Jungkook said

"Whatever" Lisa said as we chose my picture.

//time skip//
-Time to go Home-

Lisa decide to hangout at our home and all I could see was his hyung pretending to like the girl while I was just watching TV.

-after a few hours-

Lisa went home.

"Jungkook we need to talk to you" Rapmon said as he came to sit with us in the living room

"Lisa is not a human." Suga said

"What made you said that?" He said while frowning

"She's a devil. She's send from the demon" Rapmon said

"She's trying to make your mission fail. She's trying to distract you and make you far from y/n" Jin oppa said

"For real?" Jungkook ask

"Yea...stay away from her" Jhope said

"Trust us. Suga is good telling who is him/her." V said

"Okay..." he said while I just looking at them. Not knowing what to said.

-Next Day-
-At school-

Jungkook is literally ignoring Lisa this whole day. And Lisa was really piss off. She was following him everywhere.

"Please Lisa just go away. Go tell the demon I know he send you off" Jungkook said for the last time and Lisa was shook at first but after that she smirk.

"Well then be ready for adventure" she said and left.

"Creepy" I said

"We really need to be more careful now. The demon gonna send more devil and even more stronger than Lisa. Somehow I really need to protect you too" He said

Yup a short chapter. Anyways sorry for any grammar mistake or typo. I hope you enjoy and stay tune.

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