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10 February 2019

-when the worse thing ever happen to her
-when everything about her changed

10 April 2019

-when she's standing on a sand infront of a sea while the waves hit the shore same goes to the wind that hit her face
-when she still can't smile

10 August 2019

-when she didn't even care or maybe even forgot that today is her birthday

Auntumn/ Fall
10 September 2019

-when she laid down on the dried leaves under a tree that all the green leaves had turn to brown colour.
-when she's waiting the time pass by

10 December 2019

-when she didn't even excited to celebrate Christmas
-when she laid down on the snow watching the snowflakes fall

10 January 2021

-when something magical happen to her
-when he came to her life

10 August 2021

-when something happy happen
-she smiled

Dry Winter
10 November 2021

-when something sad happen to her again


All that's she is wondering is he able to make her happy?


《 Black- colour of darknest, midnight, the colour of ravens and crows, the colour of spooks, spell and gloom and DEATH》

-Beyond The Sky-[Jeon Jungkook FF]✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora