Move Part III

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Adrien sighed for what felt the hundredth time that day. He had returned him not too long after talking to Marinette. He bought himself a bit more time to spend with Luka, telling him about the move and his fears. 

He could tell by Luka's face that he was just as happy about the move as he was. Like, maybe this was a sign his father didn't want them together. He hoped it wasn't that. Because it would hurt so much that his father, someone who didn't really seem to give their relationship any attention, decided to separate them by sending his own son to another country. 

The two had spent almost the entire remainder of Adrien's day. Adrien knew that, whether he liked it or not, he would arrive home to see his bags packed for him, because no doubt, they would try to find him should he consider running away. He had to face the music, and as much as it hurt him, he left Luka's side, each step further away from the musician seemed longer and longer. And he could tell Luka was looking at him. Both of them heartbroken that their relationship was being tugged at by an unwanted string. 


"Your aunt called to say she is waiting at the station," Natalie told Adrien as he nodded. He had two, small, suitcases with him. Natalie sighed, seeing the obvious sadness in his eyes, "This isn't forever Adrien, trust me." 

Adrien nodded, not letting himself speak, out of fear that he would say the wrong thing. When the whistle sounded, Adrien found himself wanting to talk, but Natalie stepped back and said, "You must get on board. Goodbye, Adrien. I hope your trip goes well." 

Adrien looked at the train, hesitating as he got on. He looked back, urging Natalie to tell him to stop. To tell him that he could get off. 

Nothing. He looked away and the door closed. 

He ignored everyone else, sitting in the closest available seat.

He wasn't going to cry.

Not here. 

Maybe once he was in London.

But now?

Right now, he couldn't. He wouldn't.


Felix didn't know how to feel about this. He was currently at home, alone. His mother had gone to train station to pick up his cousin, Adrien. 

His uncle had called, requesting Adrien live with them until Paris was safe. Felix remembered the three...weirdly dressed...girls who had attacked him...even if he deserved it.

Yes, he knew he was an ass. He admits it. 

But, it couldn't be that bad if it was over by the end of the day, right?

Apparently, it was bad enough that uncle Gabriel sent Adrien to live with them. 

But, maybe now he can show Adrien he has changed. Oh, he's still an ass, he found that fun. But he was a tad bit kinder. Just a tad. 

He made a friend. 

It was just one, but still.

Bridgette Cheng. His only friend. 

Maybe he could introduce her to his cousin, make sure he got to know at least one person in London besides himself and his mother. 

"...I've set your room up, it's right next to Felix's, is that okay?"

"Yes, aunt Amilie, thank you." 

"Are you tired, sweetheart? Maybe you would like to rest."

"Thank you, aunt Amelie, it's been a long day."

Felix jumped up and ran out of his room.

They were here. He smiled as he saw his mother and cousin. But his smile dropped when Adrien walked past him quickly, entering the room next to his own and shutting the door. 

He looked at his mother, his eyes asking her if something happened. 

Amelie shrugged, unsure as to why her nephew seemed so upset. 

"Give him some time Felix," she told her son, "his father mustn't have told him about the move until the last minute."

"And by his father," Felix rolled his eyes, "you mean his assistant." 

He sighed and looked at the door. 

He turned to look at his mother, only to see her disappear into another room. Most likely to get some work done or to spend some time by herself. He looked back towards the door he knew would allow him to enter his cousin's room. 

He slowly walked over, raising his fist to knock, when he heard it. Pressing his ear against the door, he could make out the sobs. 

Felix hesitated. 

Last time his cousin saw him, he didn't leave the best...impression. 

He promised him that he would change, get better, and he was still working on it. But damn it, he was trying. 

So, he knocked. 

"Adrien?" He said, "Can I come in?" 

He waited for a moment and stepped back when he heard the doorknob turn. The door opened, revealing Adrien, eyes red. 

"Can I come in?" 

Adrien hesitated before stepping aside. Taking this as a yes, Felix walked inside and sat on chair by the desk in the room. Adrien closed the door, walked to the bed, and fell onto the bed. 

Felix couldn't help it.

He snorted.

"You're such a princess," he said, chuckling a bit. He softened his tone, "Are you okay?"

Adrien sat up. He spent the next minute or so looking at Felix and taking his gaze away from his cousin. 


"Do you want to talk, about it?" 

"'s just...I don't understand...I was finally starting to feel happy...and he just..." Adrien struggled to find his words, "it's hard, he was because of the akumas...but, why now??? Why not before?? I had friends, I had people who cared..."

"Look, I....first, I want to apologize again, for how I behaved the last time we were together. Mother told me you were coming to stay with us, and...I wanted you to know...I've been trying, and I made...I made...a...a friend-"


"...her name is Bridgette. That's not what matters, I wanted to take the time to show you that, I've been trying to get better. I'm not fully changing who I am, but, I'm trying to be better. So, what I'm trying to say...I'm trying to say, I'm here for you. If you need me."

"....thanks Felix." 

Felix nodded and stood up. He figured Adrien would want to be alone for a while. He stopped at the door and turned back, "And, it may not change things, but you still have someone who cares about you and wants you happy."

Adrien just smiled slightly, nodding his thanks as Felix closed the door. 

The two cousins sighed, running a hand through their hair. 

They would have to see how things go. 

What Family MeansOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora