A Father's Thoughts

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You can call Gabriel Agreste many things. But he was no fool. 

Something was going on with his son and he had no idea what. Was he that upset about him and Natalie? He had caught them earlier in the week and had used that as way to get out of the house to attend a sleepover. 

He thought Adrien was being unreasonable. The boy was claiming he believed his mother to be dead, or at least, acted like she was. 

It was times like this, when he wished to take his son and show him the truth. To tell him, he was Hawkmoth. That Natalie was Mayura. That they wanted to ensure Emilie would wake up again. 

But would his son forgive him for his actions? It's for the good of their family. 

And there was that blasted ring his son wore. 

He had been so sure...but perhaps, like he himself, his son didn't want to tell him, to give him any proof, that was Chat Noir. His own son, was being put in danger, at his own hand. And, if he was Chat Noir...

His own SON had called him OLD. 

He had flung his own SON off a ROOF. 

And yet, he still wants to believe the shape of the ring is nothing but a coincidence. That he wasn't hurting his son by sending akumas to attack him. That he and Chat Noir would eventually be in the same place and his worries would go away. 

Gabriel sighed. 

When did things become so much more complicated? 

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