Coming Out

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It was a clear day. The sun was shining and a group of friends were having fun aboard The Liberty

They had gone to see Kitty Section do some practicing, as Rose had written a new song that she wanted to get some opinions on. 

All in all, they were having some fun together. 

"You guys were incredible," Alya said, "as always." 

The band gave her their thanks as Luka called for a break. 

He left the room to get some more snacks. Usually, the band would take a break for about, five minutes or so. But he and Adrien had planned for this. 

Their friends were there. Well, all but one. 

But Adrien couldn't convince Chloe to come over, so they would tell her later on in the day.


"So," Alya and the other girls turned to Marinette, "have you made your choice? Or have one of them made their choice?"

Marinette looked at Adrien and then towards the spot Luka had left. 

"Come on," Alix nudged her. "Anything?"

Marinette frowned. 

She didn't want to say anything. 

"You know something." 

The girls looked at Kagami. The short haired bluenette paid them no attention, keeping her focus on Adrien. 

"You know something about them and you're not telling us. Why?"

"It's not my place to tell! But...they made a choice already."

"And?" Alya poked her. No answer. "Oh, no..."

The girls, bar Kagami, all looked at Marinette. 

Alya was taking her lack of response as both boys had chosen someone, and that that person wasn't Marinette. She shot the blond model a glare, who only shot her a confused look before he left the room. 

"I'm so sorry Marinette...and Kagami. You liked Adrien, too."

Kagami sighed, "I'll be alright. I just hope Adrien continues to be my friend." 


Adrien sighed as he leaned against Luka. The older boy smiled at him. 

"Want to tell me what happened?"

"The girls tried getting Marinette to talk. Now they think we chose someone to date. And it wasn't Marinette or Kagami, as Alya was quick to remember she liked me, too."

"Well, she got one part right."

"Yeah, but she gave me a dirty look."

Luka chuckled as his boyfriend pouted. He shoved Adrien lightly, motioning him to make his way back to their friends. 

Once they were there, they were both on the receiving ends of a few glares. Marinette shot them an apologetic look. Once she realized her friends thought she was upset, she tried to set them straight, but they were too focused on making sure she was okay. Kagami had been asked a few times if she was okay with Adrien dating someone else and not being told, and she was quick to stop them from asking questions.  

"Did something happen?" Luka asked as he set a tray of sandwiches down. 

Alya stood up quickly, "Yeah, something happened! How could you?!"

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