Bringing Out The Dead

Start from the beginning


Abby: "Slow down!" she says as her and Bonnie follow him through a tunnel
Stefan: "Keep up. We don't have much time."
Bonnie: "Sorry, Stefan, but I didn't have a choice."
Stefan: "There was a choice, Bonnie. You made it and now we have to live with it. I told Klaus where the coffins were, and he took them. All of them except this one."
Abby: "That's the one that's sealed?" she asks as they reach a specific part
Stefan: "Yep. Unfortunately, it seems to be the one he cares about most."
Abby: "Aren't you coming inside?" she asks seeing him standing at the entrance
Stefan: "Vampires can't get in. Damon had to compel a couple of the Lockwood gardeners to bring the coffin in."
Abby: "This is a bad idea." she sighs out
Stefan: "Look, if you're really the key to opening up that coffin, I think it's a pretty safe bet you're on Klaus' hit list. So I suggest you hide out in here and figure out a way to open the damn thing."
Abby: "I told you, I don't have any powers."
Stefan: "And I don't believe you. Time's ticking. Won't be long before Klaus calls his hybrids to find that coffin and kill all of us. So dig deep, Abby Bennett. Scrape out whatever magic you have left. What are you doing here?" he asks walking back up to the top to see Elena standing there
Elena: "Bonnie told me that you guys would be here. I need to talk to you."
Stefan: "Well, there's nothing to talk about. I'm just focused on getting this coffin open."
Elena: "Did you kill the medical examiner?" she asks stopping him from walking away
Stefan: "Why would you think I did that?"
Elena: "Maybe because I don't know what you're capable of anymore."
Stefan: "Well, believe what you want, Elena."
Elena: "I don't want to believe any of it, Stefan."
Stefan: "But you had to ask me anyway."
Elena: "Stefan..."
Stefan: "Did you ask Damon if he killed anybody lately?"
Elena: "Jaylan did." she says quietly as Stefan walks away from her

Meredith: "Are you Caroline?" she asks seeing her standing in the hallway
Caroline: "Yes. Dr. Fell, hi. Elena told me you helped out my dad."
Meredith: "I did. Do you think you can get him to be a little more grateful? He spent half the night threatening to get my medical license revoked for saving his life."
Caroline: "Yeah, my dad's a little Set in his ways. Um, he spent his whole life hating vampires. So..."
Meredith: "So he's not psyched about it being vampire blood that healed him. Yeah, he made that clear. I'm sorry. My bedside manner sucks on no sleep."
Caroline: "Um, so, can I take him home?"
Meredith: "I signed his discharge papers late last night, just to shut him up."
Caroline: "Oh, I...He didn't call or anything."
Meredith: "That's got to be hard. When your dad hates the one thing you can't change about yourself" she says shocking Caroline "I make it my business to know who the vampires are in this town. Medical curiosity. I don't blab."
Caroline: "Yeah, we've had our ups and downs."
Meredith: "Tell your dad I said you're welcome."
Caroline: "Thanks." she says walking back over to Jaylan who's looking at her phone
Jaylan: "That was fast."
Caroline: "Yeah, he's not here. He was already discharged. And she seems perfectly nice, by the way. A little intense, maybe. But I think it's sweet you want to make sure Alaric's not dating a total psycho." she says pulling out her phone
Jaylan: "He's my family. I have to look out for him."
Caroline: "Shh, shh, shh."
Jaylan: "What?"
Caroline: "I hear it."
Jaylan: "Hear what?"
Caroline: "My dad's phone" she says as Jaylan listens for a ringing phone and they walk into a closet where they see Bill stabbed in the stomach "Oh, my God! Dad! Daddy! Dad?! Oh!"
Jaylan: "Oh, my God." she breathes out as Caroline pulls the knife out of him
Caroline: "Don't be dead, don't be dead, don't be dead! Oh, my God! Daddy!"
Jaylan: "Caroline...He has vampire blood in his system."
Caroline: "What?!" she says as Bill gasp awake shocking both girls


Damon: "Get dressed. We're going out." he says when Stefan walks into the room shirtless
Stefan: "Yeah, sorry, not interested."
Damon: "I didn't ask. Elijah and I have scheduled a very old-fashioned sit-down with you and Klaus. I say go with the black. Makes you look all villain-y." he says holding two shirts
Stefan: "Klaus won't make a deal, Damon."
Damon: "He didn't have to. All we're doing is buying a little time to give our wicked witches a chance to pop the top off the coffin."
Stefan: "So that's your, uh, your plan? Stall Klaus."
Damon: "Well, if you hadn't gone postal on his hybrids, then maybe I'd have some options."
Stefan: "So you unleash an original to help him out."
Damon: "Undaggering Elijah was smart, Stefan. Are you kidding me? After what Klaus did to him, he's in vengeance mode. It's perfect."
Stefan: "Nothing smart about trusting Elijah, Damon. He screwed us over the last time he promised to help us kill Klaus."
Damon: "Yeah, the way you've been acting, I'd trust him about as much as I trust you."
Stefan: "Hmm. Well...Guess that goes both ways, doesn't it?" he says taking a sip out of his drink
Damon: "Oh, yes. This is about Elena's feelings for me, I presume. Just remember, if it wasn't for Klaus, you wouldn't have become such a dick and we wouldn't have spent time together. So get ready and get happy. We're going to negotiate a fake truce, and I don't want your attitude screwing it up. And for the record. Her feelings are only one sided." he says before walking out of the room

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