"Same here."

"What does the great Ashton McClain have planned today?"

"Football, school, football and homework." He jokes, "But I do have a mental note to talk to this girl whenever I get the chance."

"Lucky girl, you have a very busy schedule." I muse.

"The luckiest but I always have the time." He says before swearing, "I've got to go Sweetheart, I love you."

"I love you."

I sit in the hallway as the call ends, knowing I need to get back to class but can't find the strength.

I just need to get through today, tomorrow will be easier.


At lunch, I pick at my salad.

"Well, how is it?" Avery asks, staring intently at my plate.

"I didn't know it was possible to ruin salad, but you did." Sage cuts in, saving me from being the one to break the news.

I grimace, "Aves, if it wasn't for the fact you basically live with me I would bill you for wasting my food."

There's no saving the salad, or the spaghetti she tried making for dinner the other night or the cookies she burned to hockey pucks.

Her face falls as she eats some herself, instantly spitting it into Gabe's napkin. "I'm hopeless."

"Hey, we just need to practice a little more." I assure her, everything takes time.

Some people struggle more than others.

"Enough about tossing the salad." Gabe says, ignoring the glare the girls and I send his way as Zev snickers. "What are the prom plans?"

I sigh, instantly zoning out of the conversation. Prom is the last thing I want to discuss since I'll be going with RJ. I'm thankful he offered to fly in to take me but it's not the same.

It feels wrong to not want to go because I know I'll regret it but it feels pointless. However, having RJ in town is a plus.

I miss my friend, I just miss Ashton more.

"We're getting ready at Scar's." Avery sends me a confirming glance.

"Yeah, I really don't care if the guys get ready in the basement to make it easier." I offer, knowing it would be one less thing to worry about.

"Sweet." James winks at Stella and I feel the sudden urge to remind them of the no fornicating under my roof rule.

"Okay, but what about after?" Zev snaps his fingers urgently.

"The cabin?" Gabe offers and no one disagrees, settling the discussion.

Here's to getting the day over with.


"Letty!" RJ shouts, pulling me into a suffocating hug.

"I missed you," I mumble into his chest, "but I like breathing."

He lets go, ruffling my hair. "Your date is here and ready to tear up the dance floor."

I watch in horror as he does a horrible hip shake in the middle of the airport for all passing eyes to witness. Pulling him outside before he can be detained, I laugh.

This is something I missed.

Putting his bag in the trunk, I offer him the keys before crawling into the passenger seat. I rest my chin on my knees, watching out the window as we speed down the interstate.

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