Draco X Harry

Começar do início

It was from Draco. Harry quickly read the letter and ran over to his parents.

"dad! Can Draco come round for a few days? For a sleepover" he asked.

"of course he can. As long as you guys stay quiet, you can do whatever you like." James winked.
"stop it, we're not dating" Harry replied. Each day of the holidays so far, James and Sirius had been teasing him about dating Draco.

Even though they weren't dating.

At was mainly because Remus told them that Draco had fallen asleep on Harry on the way home.

Lily walked into the room and took the letter out of Harrys hand, and read it.
"of course Draco can come over. It says here his parents have allowed it, so tidy your room and then write him a reply" she said.

Harry immediately ran up to his room to tidy it. Usually he tidied it like a Muggle (thanks to Lily), but today he wanted it extra clean, so he used his wand.

Once the room was spotless, he grabbed a peice of parchment and his self-inking quill, and wrote Draco a letter.

Dear Draco,
of course you can come round! My mum has said that you can come round as soon as you get this letter, so I hope your trunks are packed!
See you soon!
From, Harry

Harry sent Hedwig away with the letter and sat down on his bed. Now all that he had to do was wait.

That afternoon, Harry was in the living room with Padfoot while waiting for Draco.
"relax Harry, it just takes a while for Hedwig to get to the Malfoy Manor" he said. "now, does he know your uncle is an animagus?"

"no, I haven't told him at all"

"okay great! We're going to prank him by me being Snuffles, and when he comes through the fire, you're going to pretend you can't see me, and he's going to think I'm the Grim!"

That's so mean...

"let's do it!" Harry said excitedly.

So, a few minutes later, Harry was sat on the sofa doing some Potions homework Snape had set. (Lily was fuming at the amount of homework He gave out) When suddenly, the fireplace turned bright green and Draco came out, perfectly clean.

Snuffles was hidden behind the sofa, making only his head and front legs visible. Draco dropped his trunks and hugged Harry.

"Harry! I've missed you!" he said. Harry hugged him back and smiled. Even though it had only been a few days, he felt like he hadn't seen the blond boy in forever.

Once they've caught up from the past few days, Draco suddenly freezes. He's face seems to go even paler and he tugs on Harrys sleeve.
"what is it?" he had completly forgotten about the prank.

"do you have a dog?" Draco whispered. He looked terrified. Harry shook his head. Technically he didn't have a dog.

"then, what's that behinde the sofa?" he said. He looked terrified.

At that moment, Lily walked in the room.
"Draco! Lovley to see you again. When was it I last saw you?" she says and walks over to he boy and hugs him.

Harry potter one-shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora