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"You can't just go skipping class Lenny, you're already in trouble!" The little omega huffed, hands on his hips, cheeks puffed out as he tried to glare up at his brother. It had the absolute opposite affect. He just looked adorable. Marilyn only shrugged, a devious grin stretched across his lips as he looked down at his little brother.

"I'm already getting in trouble, what more could a little skipping hurt?"

"You could get even more detention! Or suspended! And you're coach would probably bench you at the next game for that, y'know!"

Marilyn shrugged again, chuckling softly when his reaction, or lack thereof, made Zeke whine out of frustration. "I don't think I'd quite mind being benched. Especially in a taxing sport like soccer. It'll do me some good to have a rest for once. What about you?" Marilyn finally addressed Dante head on, turning around to watch the male, who'd been silently trudging just a few feet behind the brothers. "Do you wanna skip with me? Probably not the smartest thing to do on your first day here, but you've already got detention, so why the hell not?"

There was a slight pause before Dante nodded his assent, making Zeke groan and Marilyn grin wide. "Hooligans, the both of you," Zeke said, his tone betraying the fondness behind his words. Marilyn, ever the bigger person, just stuck his tongue out. Zeke shoved him, trying to smother his grin in his sleeves as Marilyn exaggeratedly stumbled into Dante's broad chest. Like Zeke had enough force to do more than make him sway.

"Yes, I adore you as well, brother dearest. Shouldn't you get back to class now? One of us has to be the golden boy this school doesn't deserve!" Marilyn called out as he grasped Dante's shoulder and pulled him back in the direction they came, ignoring Zeke yelling at their retreating backs. The ducked past classrooms, ran through the gym that was thankfully empty at this time, and out the back door to the football field. Marilyn led his companion all the way out to the sports equipment shed, that was thankfully emptied for the later gym classes. From down in the far corner, buried beneath the mesh bag of footballs, Marilyn produced a folded blanket, somehow not yet molded. He unfolded it, spread it over the filthy floor, and plopped down onto it, patting the space next to him for Dante to do the same.

"This is where my friend Angel and I come to skip," he explained upon noticing Dante's vaguely puzzled look. "We did it so often sophomore year that we decided to leave this here, instead of hauling it back and forth all the time."

Dante nodded again.

"Usually I'm the quiet one," Marilyn mused, laying on his back now. He was still looking up at Dante, as the other male hadn't taken the proffered seat. He was still standing by the door, stock still, gazing down at Marilyn as though the alpha was some sort of puzzle or riddle that needed solving. Marilyn didn't feel very puzzling or riddle like. Today at least.

This time, Dante shrugged. A little bit of variety then. Not much, but something.

Marilyn's gaze shifted from the other alpha to his phone as it pinged with a notification. A text message. He grinned at the name of the sender, and opened it.

Rye Bread: So you know how schools have those weird ceilings?

Mrs. Streep: mhm

Rye Bread: tank and scorp have his ongoing competition to see how much weird shit they can put in the ceiling before someone tells or discovers it

Rye Bread: and tank just paid a freshman to climb up there

Rye Bread: the tiles are surprisingly sturdy. not even a creak

Mrs Streep: how much did he pay?

Rye Bread: $40 and a backbag full of snacks

Rye Bread: teacher's back, updates to follow

Marilyn tossed his phone to the side after that, focusing his attention back on Dante. Who was still just....staring. Marilyn idly wondered if this is what fish felt like the aquarium.

"So an all alpha school huh?" Marilyn began, about to unleash his curiosity upon the poor soul in full. But he hesitated for a second, seeing how the other immediately tensed at the mention. Interesting. "Does that include, like, female alphas? Or is it just male alphas? Would that make it sexist if it didn't?" Apparently that was not the sort of questions Dante was expecting becauce lo and behold, just for a second, there was a real expression on that stoic face. Surprise. Which, considering the school, makes a bit of sense, Marilyn thinks. There's no telling what kind of questions he gets on a regular. The surprise is washed away faster than Marilyn can blink, though, and he's left wondering if it was truly there at all when Dante finally answers.

"Yeah, there's a few female alphas around too. Not many."

"How did, like, clubs and sport teams work with no betas?"

Betas are, traditionally, meant to play the role of mediator between alpha and omega, but sometimes between two wayward alphas as well. Alpha-Alpha interactions, especially over long periods and in competitive environments, can get pretty....heated, for lack of better word. That's why their soccer team has to balance the amount of alpha and beta players. The last time it was uneven for too long, even Marilyn and Angel almost got into it. Which is guaranteed to be an unsightly battle.

"With weekly team counseling."

That probably wasn't even a joke, but it shocked a laugh out of Marilyn anyway. He could just imagine a bunch of burly, angry alphas all stuffed in a little room, pheromones nearly stifling, being forced to talk out their feelings. Something he'd never volunteer to do himself but would definitely pay to watch others go through.

Before Marilyn could pry any more, and he was certainly going to, he caught the faint sound of the bell ringing from the school building. The end of the period then. Marilyn let out a deep, long, soul weary sigh as he lifted to his feet.

"Well. Back into the fray." He opened the door shed door and motioned for Dante to step ahead. "Shall we?"


no its not edited either, live with my mistakes motherfuckers

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