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Marilyn sighed as he pulled into the student parking lot of his school. 'Another day of faking it', he thought glumly as he parked in his reserved spot. After he shut the car off he simply sat in the driver's seat for a few minutes. He really didn't wanna be here today. Or any day really. But, this was his last year and he couldn't just give up this close to the end.

With a heavy sigh, Marilyn opens his door and heaves himself out of the small blue car, slinging his heavy backpack onto his shoulder. He kicks the door closed and locks it as he approached the big red double doors leading into hell.

Immediately upon entry, he's swarmed by his 'friends'. Mostly guys from the soccer team, a combination of alphas and betas with egos bigger than the field they play on, and fangirls of each rank. They kept him enclosed in a tight, loud circle, even as he continued down the hall to his locker. He couldn't focus on anything they were asking him since no one could quiet down enough for one voice to stand out, so they all blended together until they were nothing but a faint irritating buzz in his ears.

They all stopped at his locker, finally quieting down at least a little bit. Marilyn continued to ignore them as he put in his combination, deep in thought as he put away what books he wouldn't need until after lunch and retrieving what he would need. He had just slammed the little blue locker shut when his younger brother Zeke, an omega that rides to school with his boyfriend, came skipping up to him and leaning against his locker.

"So Lenny, did you hear the news?" The tiny male asked, using the nickname he'd given his older sibling when they were much younger. Marilyn of course, had no idea what he was talking about. He would, if he'd been paying any attention to the racket around him the entire time. It was all anyone talked about.


Zeke rolled his eyes, grinning at his brother's obliviousness. "Well, apparently we've got a new student from across town. Like, from the rich side of town. Apparently he's this big huge guy that gets on real well with the ladies-- and guys I hear." He said, not noticing the others in Marilyn's little entourage had grown quiet to listen to the gossip.

"Yeah? What about his rank?" Another alpha asked, who's name Marilyn couldn't remember for the life of him.

Zeke just shrugged in response. "No one knows. Alpha, probably. But he'll be here today; whatever he is, you should be able to smell it." He said, and just then the bell rang. Waving, Zeke turned on his heel and sprinted in the opposite direction, heading off in his first class of the day.

The group dispersed, and Marilyn stalked off to English with two of the males following along to the same class. They walked in and slid into their seats in the back right corner just as the tardy bell rung.

Marilyn was right in the corner, with the two other sitting in front of him. He frowned at the empty seat beside him, wondering where Angel, his best friend, had went off to today. Of course, his absence was really no surprise. He skips nearly every Monday, out doing god knows what-- and who.

Still though, Marilyn can't help but be slightly upset as he glares at the empty seat. Soon the teacher walks in, her heels clacking loudly on the shitty tile floor, and he drags his gaze from the desk. He doesn't listen as she tells this what they'll be doing-- it's the same as last week. Finishing up a questionnaire for the book they'd just finished in class, The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, in preparation for the Socratic Seminar they'd have tomorrow. Marilyn finished his over the weekend; not like he had much else to do. So, with nothing else to occupy his time, he folded his arms over his desk and rested his chin on them.

Maybe I'll go to the club today, he thought idly. Hopefully the same guy from last week will be there. He seemed to really enjoy the power trip of having a big alpha kneeling in front of him. Or maybe even--

His thoughts were interrupted by the classroom door being opened and someone stepping inside. Instantly, whispers broke out as everyone began chatting about the stranger standing in the doorway. Lifting his head, Marilyn glanced over curiously. The smug, clean cut self assured image he'd thought up for the rich new kid was instantly shattered as he stared at the male.

The kid stood just shy of 6 foot, the curliest black hair Marilyn had ever seen, broad shoulders, collarbones sharp enough to cut yourself on, and obvious muscles throughout. Delicious bulging biceps that Marilyn could easily see and drool over from his seat in the back. Unfortunately, the one thing he couldn't see, was the boy's face.

The teacher cleared her throat and everyone began to quiet down. "Class, this is our new student." She turned and gave the boy a 100 watt smile. "Why don't you introduce yourself, hm?"

The boy nodded once, turning his gaze onto the curious class. "I'm Dante." He said, his voice low and silky smooth like warm honey.

The teacher continued to smile her brightest smile, even as he fell silent after the two words. "Well Dante, where did you move from?" She asked, prodding for more answers subtly.

"St. Joe's Catholic. For alphas."

Whispers broke out again at that and Marilyn tilted his head curiously. He'd heard of that school, in the next town over. His mom almost sent him there but the tuition was absurd. What would make this Dante guy leave his posh private school to Eastwood High?

"Well, I hope you enjoy it here at Eastwood. We're glad to have you here! Why don't you take a seat back by Mr. Clark. Mr. Clark, raise your hand please."

Marilyn frowned at the empty desk beside him, raising his hand as asked but protesting all the same. "But that's Angel's seat." He said. The teacher just wave off his words, motioning for Dante to move to the seat.

"Well, we'll worry about this when Mr. Gracio actually comes to class."

Sighing unhappily, Marilyn watches the other alpha sit in his best friend's seat. The closer he got, the better Marilyn was able to see his face and he had to admit, Dante was hot.

Now Marilyn could make out the scars decorating his face and neck. Instead of being off-putting though, they made him look dangerous. Which was also pretty hot.

I definitely wouldn't mind getting on my knees for him, was Marilyn's last thought before he lowered his head once again and decided to sleep for the remainder of the class.

Word Count: 1161

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