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French class was an absolute drag.

Usually it was far more interesting to Marilyn. If there's one thing he actually enjoys, it's learning new languages. Hell, he's even a good bit ahead in his French workbook because he just finds it all so intriguing. Today, though? Today it just sucked.

It was probably because of the substitute. The old woman had them watching an episode of Téléfrancais! and filling out a worksheet. There were no subtitles, as they were meant to answer questions regarding the plot based purely on what they could understand. Marilyn, the little overachiever that he is, had already answered it all. How?

He watched the entirety of the show in his free time, of course. Besides, the questions were fairly easy.

So, rather than pay any mind to that, he was (still) scrolling through AO3, wireless earbuds in, Spotify shuffling through his boredom playlist as he read. It was all well and good, if not a fair bit monotonous, when he got a Snapchat notification.

from Ham&Cheese

It was a video. Curious, he was just about to click on it, when a text came through, from the same person.

Gwilled Cheeeeeeeeze: DONT OPEN THAT SNAP

Gwilled Cheeeeeeeeze: PLEAAE WHAYEVWR YOI DO


Now usually, Marilyn was smart. He knew when to mind his own business. And right now, his friend was telling him to mind his own business.


It was sent to him, so doesn't that make it his business? Plus, he was bored. Whatever it was, was sure to be entertaining. So, ignoring the still incoming barrage of texts, he opened the snap and.....


Marilyn was never so thankful to be wearing headphones than he was in this exact moment.

His music was cut off, Nicki silenced mid rap, replaced with the unmistakable sound of moaning. And there, consuming his screen, right in the middle of the day no less, was....


Porn. There's no other word for it.

How else does one describe a video of someone, an omega if the amount of slick is any indication, knuckle deep in their own cunt, moaning something about pre-heat and knots and ordering Marilyn to come over and help them through it.

No. Not Marilyn. He wasn't the intended recipient, after all.

The video ended, and Marilyn was left staring at him screen, dumbfounded. He say Angle glance at him in the corner of his eye, and suddenly came back to himself. And realized he was hard. And in grey sweatpants.


Angel was probably quick to recognize the scent of Marilyn's arousal, what with how often he'd been engulfed in that scent. Angel smelling it, that was no big deal. When Dante turned to look at him, though, Marilyn knew he had to get the hell out of there and deal with him. Ahem. Problem.

Luck seemed to be on his side, at the very least, as the teacher barely glanced up as Marilyn snatched the bathroom pass from the basket by the door on his way out. In the empty hall, he broke into a sprint, heading to the nearest and least utilized janitors closed he could find. By the time he shut himself in and plopped down on an overturned mop bucket, his phone was buzzing with an incoming call.


"Well if you would have told me why," Marilyn snapped back, staring down at his still tenting sweats with mixture of horror and shame, "then I actually wouldn't have!"

"Why couldn't you just not look because I asked nicely?" the voice demanded and Marilyn had to bite back his laugh.

"Firstly, you didn't ask. And secondly, I only respond to orders, not requests."

Oh. He didn't mean to say that.

They was a moment of silence, which Marilyn used to mentally berate himself, before a low chuckle rung in his ears. He suddenly remembered his ear buds.

"That's how it is, huh? You only take orders?"

And Marilyn knew that tone. Oh he knew it intimately, heard it in his dreams and in the few ideal encounters he'd had with the best of his partners. It made clench his jaw, heat pooling in his stomach.

"That's not what I meant-" he tried to backtrack, but was cut off by a cruel chuckle.

"No? So then what did you mean?"

He said nothing. His cock gave a traitorous twitch, clearly enjoying the mocking tone with which he was being spoken to. He glared at it, feeling oddly betrayed.

Then the tone of the voice in his ear shifted again, sounding now more shy and remorseful than mean and teasing (read: arousing). Marilyn decided rather quickly that he preferred the latter to this new tone. 

"Really, though. I'm sorry bout that uh....that. Honest mistake. I don't wanna be one of those unsolicited nudes kinda guys. Because I'm not. The intended recipient was very much looking forward to that. But I'm sorry. Again. That you got it. Unsolicited. Won't happen again."

Marilyn hesitated to speak again. Licked at his lips. Squirmed a bit where he sat, frowning down at the erection that still seemed to persist after all that. He opened his mouth, let it snapped closed, and opened it again. This time he was able to speak.

"I didn't....hate it."

The voice didn't pause as long this time when it said, "Still! I didn't ask first before I sent it to you! It's just good etiquette to make sure your partner wants it before-"

"I want it," Marilyn felt, more than heard, himself say. And immediately, his cheeks grew warm with embarrassment. God,  he'd never felt so eager for it before. Not for an omega, at least. He'd always thought himself far more inclined to those of the same secondary gender as him. But something about the way the voice spoke to him before, all condescending and full of heat, accompanied with the reminder of that video-

God. Marilyn was aching for it. He felt pathetic.

It was wonderful.

And it was ruined by the screeching of the bell overhead, loud enough to be heard through the phone, as the voice chuckled. "I'll keep that in mind, sweetheart. But it sounds like you've gotta go. Be good and maybe I'll give you another peek later."

And then he hung up. And Marilyn was left alone in the janitor's closet once again. Frustrated, intrigued, embarrassed and harder than diamonds. His phone buzzed in his palm, texts pouring into the groupchat he's in with Zeke, Angel, Felix and apparently as of just now Dante, asking if he'd join them for lunch. He answered with the affirmative. 

He just needed a moment. Or five. 


Word count: 1116

A/N: i wrote this whole chap in one day, i hope its not too bad :) i wanted to give yall a lil hint of nsfw right now just for shits n gigs. Ham&Cheeeeeze is (once again) Rye Bread renamed. he feels very strongly about enthusiastic consent and proper kink negotiation so nothing happened much here. um. let me know if theres something you didn't like! im actually kinda proud of this one but if its bad dont hesitate to absolutely flame me!! uh. anyway bye babes <33 

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