s i x t e e n

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"Marilyn Andrew Clark, get your ass down here!"

It was as though they were summoned by the mere mention, Marilyn thought with a groan. This definitely wouldn't be good. At least he his dignity would be spared a little, as long as Dante remained in his bedroom.

"And your little friend too!"

Of course he could never be so lucky.

At least his mom's shouting was loud enough to rouse Princess from her sleep. She shook herself on his lap before jumping down from his lap and walking over to his bedroom door, where she sat patiently, as though waiting for one of the two alphas to open the door for her.

Marilyn sighed heavily, knowing that it would all be worse the longer he tried to delay the inevitable. So, against his will, he heaved himself up off the bed and clapped a hand on Dante's shoulder as he passed. "Come on. Time to face The Beast."

Dante wore a puzzled expresssion as he stood, abruptly slipping the sketchbook before Marilyn could even think to sneak a peak at his progress.

"Why do I have to go?"

Marilyn shrugged. "Solidarity?"


"She called you a what?!"

"Now sweetheart-"

"Don't you fucking sweetheart me, Malik! Did you not hear what Zeke just said?"

"Of course I did honey, but you need to calm down."

"Calm down? Calm down! Like hell I will! I'm just supposed to let them get away with giving my boys detention for no damn reason! And that little bitch"

"Jay, you can't call teenage girls bitches!"

"I have half a mind to call that girl's parents and shove my fucking foot-"

Heaving a deep and weary sigh, the large alpha rose from his seat at the kitchen counter and forced his husband to cease his frantic pacing by pulling the smaller male into his arms, effectively smothering the omega in his chest.

Marilyn, Zeke and Dante sat silently around the kitchen table, watching the scene with wide eyes. Zeke had just finished explaining why exactly they'd been given detention, when their mom exploded on his angry tirade.

Looking over the shorter man's head, their dad offered Dante a small, awkward smile. While Jonah Clark continued to rant and rave into his husband's chest, Malik Clark spoke to the congregated boys.

"We talked to the principal earlier, when he called us up to the school to tell us that y'all had been skipping detention. Your mom blew up on that poor man for punishing yall and tried to get you off the hook, but he said y'all at least need to serve for skipping it. And then we had to leave, because he almost jumped that girl's mother for calling him a karen."

Zeke's eyes met Marilyn's across the kitchen and there was exactly 3 seconds of silence before both boys broke out in hysterical giggles. Their amusement seemed to sap the remainder of vitrol from the older omega's bones, allowing him a momen't to go lax in his lover's hold before pullling away entirely.

...or apparently just enough to turn around and settle with his back to Malik's chest. That works too. He finally turned his attention to Dante, smiling his most wide and welcoming smile, making it abundantly clear who Zeke gets it from.

"It's nice to meet you, Dante. Zeke told us about you the other day and I already knew we'd be seeing you over here sooner or later. Sorry you had to see all," an awkward flail of the hand, "that. I can be a little bit...tempermental. Especially where my boys are concerned."

Ah. And that's where Marilyn gets it from, Dante thought idly.

A fresh round of giggles, though this time from the omegas. A wide grin slowly split across Malik's face, while Marilyn's expression was one of exaggerated offense. His protest of 'what the fuck' was drowned out by Malik's exclamation of 'I like him.'

Ah, Dante thought again. I said that out loud.


Later, far after the sun had dipped below the horizon and all the guests had returned to their own homes, Marilyn flopped down on his bed, legs akimbo and arms holding his phone above his face as he scrolled through absurd amounts of porn on twitter.

Shark Boy: ehllo
Shark Boy: ddi you knpw
Shark Boy: gettin s fske if is very rasy
Shark Boy: like stupof easy
Shark Boy: seruioiusly
Shark Boy: hekkooooooooooo

Lava Girl: not the drunk text on a school night

Shark Boy: sssssssssshut the fivk up

Lava Girl: gonna suck to have a hangover in class

Shark Boy: i csn luterakky jusyt skkup its fune

Lava Girl: and now skipping school? we got a bad boy on our hands

Shark boy: oh sygar yoi dobt know th hakf of it >:0
Shark Boy: >')
Shark boy: FCUK >:)

Before Marilyn could respond, his phone buzzed with another text. It was from Angel this time. Marilyn pushed himself upright in bed feeling his heart sink lower and lower as he read through the messages as they were sent in rapid succession.

Angeldust: hey man
Angeldust: im sorry about earlier
Angeldust: i swear i dont, like, hate you or whatever youre thinking
Angeldust: we just cant be like that around kris, yknow?
Angeldust: its weird

It's weird for alphas to be like that together. You know that, right? Don't tell me you're one of those freaks.

Angeldust: wait no fuck i didnt mean it like that
Angeldust: its hard to explain over text
Angeldust: can you meet me?

Crack and Cocaine: dont worry man its fine
Crack and Cocaine: you're right. it is weird

Angeldust: marilyn.
Angeldust: thats not what i meant

Crack and Cocaine: its fine
Crack and Cocaine: im going to sleep. c u 2morrow

He tossed his phone across the room, no longer interested in anything it had to offer. Instead, he laid back down and pulled the covers up to his neck. He closed his eyes and tried to clear his mind, praying sleep would take him quickly.

Word count: 1006

A/N: on god this is the hardest chapter ive ever written. if its terrible, please shut the hell up <3 ive been TRYING i am just a STRESSED LITTLE GUY !!!!! i hope u at least enjoy seeing a lil bit more of the parents cuz i enjoyed writing them

yes i am working on the smut and no its not going well im stuck at 347 words. give me your horniest ideas if u want it to actually be finished this century.

anyway uh hopefully the next chapter will be better and hopefully out b4 the end of august. once a month is gonna b my new upload goal so lets all cross our fingers. ok bye now <3

edit: fixing inconsistencies w names

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