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Physics, the class Marilyn had right after lunch, was as it always is. The teacher, a tall but plain looking man, handed back their graded quizzes from the day prior and had then go over them with their tablemate.

Kris wheeled her chair closer to Marilyn's and slid her paper over to him, while he did the same with his. Marilyn liked Kris, claimed her as one of his only true friends. She was a short beta, standing at only 5'3, with an utterly untamable mane of hair she regularly dyed. This months color was hot pink.

"Germy's looking for you," she informed him, twirling the red glittery pen between dexterous fingers as sye scanned his quiz with a critical gaze."

Germy, or more accurately, Gerome was the captain of the school's failing football team. Despite their loosing streak, Gerome still paraded the halls as though he was the hottest shit this side of the Mississippi. If Marilyn was being honest, it was a little sad to watch.

"Oh? What on earth for?"

"You know damn well what for."

And he did. Gerome and Diane were usually an item. On one week and off the next, though always staking claim on one another and fighting off anyone else stupid enough to be interested.

"I didn't even do anything," Marilyn absolutely did not sulk.

"Well that's not what Miss Thang said, and you know that sad sack eats out of the palm of her hand. She could tell him Spain is a city in Delaware and he'd believe her. He's hopeless. He's an idiot."

"He's your brother."

"Sometimes I wonder."

Marilyn laughed, a short thing muffled by his palm. Kris was always so fun to talk to. It was truly a shame they never hung out more. He added it to his mental list of things to change as he finally began to look over her paper in front of him.

"You fucked up number five."

"What? How?"

"You solved for the wrong thing. Here let me show you."


The shrill shriek of the bell sent students scrambling to pack away their belongings at the end of class, the teacher's shout of "Don't forget to do chapter four of the workbook!" falling of deaf ears as the studenfs filtered out. Marilyn and Kris where among the few stragglers, neither in quite as much as a rush to get to join the pushing mass in the hall.

"Hey," Marilyn started as he slung his bag over his shoulder. "Do you wanna come hang tonight? Do the homework and watch a movie or something?"

He watched her consider it, head cocked like a confused puppy as she thought. After a moment of deliberation, she nodded. "Yeah, sure. Germy's gonna be insufferable, so any time away from him is a good time for me."

Marilyn nodded back. "Cool. I'll see you later then." And with a final nod from both of them, they parted ways. Kris, to whatever ridiculously hard nerd class she would be torturously subjected to next and Marilyn to Gov, where he'd spend the entire class period playing Minecraft with Angel on their phones.


There once again was a small gathering around Marilyn's car. This time, though, it was made up of the alpha himself, Angel, Zeke, Felix, Kris, and Dante. Everyone was looking at each other, as though trying to decipher without words why each one was there.

Well, everyone except Marilyn, Zeke and Felix.

Zeke and Felix were already on Felix's bike, Zeke shouting a quick farewell to his brother as the pair pulled out of the school parking lot, roaring their way down the street and out of sight. Marilyn, on the other hand, had already settled into the front seat of his car, seatbelt on and phone in hand, as though he were only waiting for the rest of his passengers to get in. Which, they supposed, he was.

After a good bit of insistence from Kris, Dante sat in the front seat, Angel and Kris getting in the back together. Once there were all wearing their seatbelts, Marilyn handed his phone off to Dante and began to drive. He could feel Dante's questioning gaze on the side of his face, making him grin slightly.

"Passenger is always put on Dj duty, don't you know that? Spotify is already up, just play something. Or use your phone, I don't care."

Dante, the poor boy, was frankly a bit overwhelmed. Marilyn had such a
..shall we say eclectic musical library. Dante didn't know what to pick, so he just played the first track in the liked songs and put it on shuffle, setting Marilyn's phone down on the armrest between them. The ride went on in relative silence, only the music to fill the air of awkwardness that seemed to settle upon the passengers.

Marilyn either didn't notice it, or simply did not care, as he continued to drive and hum along to the endless stream of songs mindlessly. Every so often, he'd glance out of the corner of his eye to Dante or into the rearview mirror to Angel and Kris. Dante seemed fine, content to stare out the window for the entirety of the drive. In the backseat, though, Marilyn could see Kris and Angel leaning into each other, whispering back and forth. Huh, Marilyn couldn't help but think. That's new. I didn't know they knew each other. But as he pulled into the driveway, devoid of both his parent's cars and Felix's motorcycle, he pushed it out of his mind and exited the car, the trio following him into the house silently. It was probably nothing anyway.



Word Count: 943

A/N: ayooooo look who it isssssssssssssss.

whats up my dudes, back at it again with another poorly written chapter. i know its been so long but real life is kicking my ASS rn. work two jobs they said, it'll be fun they said. plot twist: it's NOT, especially not around Christmas. and its in the mall 💀💀💀💀💀

after Christmas though i should have more free time (and then none again in February bc Valentine's is like a big deal at one of my jobs and I'll probably have to work open to close for three straight days leading up to it and not to mention all the prep and. yeah) so I'll prob try to update more then! maybe even set a schedule.

as always, thank you so much for reading!! pls comment ideas for things you wanna see next, im severely lacking inspo and my notebook of ideas is MIA.

byeee~ <33

edit: fixing minor inconsistencies

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