Marina's Chat Room 3

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Webmaster: Agent8_octoboi has joined the chat
Webmaster: holycarpitsagent4 has joined the chat
Webmaster: Agent 3's Cape has joined the chat

holycarpitsagent4: Hey dudes!

Agent8_octoboi: Hello!

Agent 3's Cape: Greetings.

holycarpitsagent4: Wait, you changed your username slightly...?

Agent 3's Cape: Yep.

holycarpitsagent4: Honestly, your username is making me a little jealous.

Agent 3's Cape: Huh?

holycarpitsagent4: I want a cape but nooo
holycarpitsagent4: Why do you get all the cool stuff?

Agent 3's Cape: Because I'm the most seasoned agent. Aside from the cousins, of course.

Agent8_octoboi: But neither of them wear a cape.

holycarpitsagent4: I think he's just showing off...

Agent 3's Cape: ANYWAY, let's talk about that mission from the other day.

holycarpitsagent4: What about it? I thought it went pretty well.

Agent 3's Cape: Juniper. That one stunt you pulled almost cost us the objective.

holycarpitsagent4: But it didn't! And we got through in the end.

Agent 3's Cape: True, but even so, you can't keep relying on on-the-fly ideas. Gotta do things by the book.

holycarpitsagent4: Since when was there a book? I say when in doubt, improvise. Works most of the time.

Agent 3's Cape:'d you become an agent again?

holycarpitsagent4: Same way you did, smartysquid.

Agent8_octoboi: GUYS
Agent8_octoboi: Terrance, no need to bag on Junie. Her plan wasn't the brightest course of action, but it did get us closer to the goal in the end.
Agent8_octoboi: Junie, take his words into consideration. It might be the 'boring' or 'simple' way, but sometimes simple is easier than a last minute plan.

Agent 3's Cape: ...
Agent 3's Cape: I thought I was supposed to be the voice of reason.
Agent 3's Cape: But you're right.

holycarpitsagent4: I agree. I'll do my best to...not be so dumb on the next mission.
holycarpitsagent4: But you gotta admit, my idea was cool.

Agent 3's Cape: It was dumb, but effective.

holycarpitsagent4: Told you it would be. Welp, Imma go get some food. I'm kinda hungry.

Agent8_octoboi: Me too. Wanna meet up and get something together?

holycarpitsagent4: Sure! Terry?

Agent 3's Cape: Why not. Café by the tower?

Agent8_octoboi: Sounds good. Meet you there.

Webmaster: Agent8_octoboi has left the chat
Webmaster: holycarpitsagent4 has left the chat
Webmaster: Agent 3's Cape has left the chat

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