Their favorite special weapons

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He was very fond of the Inkstrike back when he lived in the Plaza. He also liked the Killer Wail, but not as much as he liked the Seeker Bomb Rush. It took him some time to get used to the new specials at first. He seems to like the Suction Bomb Rush and the Tenta Missiles the best.

He still misses the Inkstrike.

RIP Inkstrike.


Her favorite special weapon is the Splashdown, but she's also fond of the Sting Ray, even though she's not good with the weapons that have it as a special. She also likes the Ultra Stamp despite it being more difficult to control than the other specials she likes.

She seems to think the Ink Armor special is pretty neat as well.


Thanks to his experiences underground, he's a master of the Baller and the Inkjet. He likes both of those specials just fine, but his favorite special is the Booyah Bomb.

He also appears to like the Splat Bomb Rush and the Curling Bomb Rush.

Though, he can utilize any special with a certain degree of proficiency. He's a jack-of-all-trades, pretty much.

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