Agents' Favorites

38 1 0

Their favorite...


3: café food
4: noodles
8: home cooking


3: apple cider
4: coffee
8: chocolate milk


3: wafer cookies
4: milk chocolate bar
8: gummy candy

Type of book

3: adventure
4: fantasy
8: light novel


3, 4, and 8: They can't choose between the girls. Though Three is closer to the Squid Sisters and Eight is closer to Off the Hook. Four is closer to the Squid Sisters too, mostly to Marie.

Weapon type

3: shooters
4: brushes
8: varies

Enemy type (surprisingly)

3: Octostriker - considers it a fun challenge
4: Octoballer - because bowling
8: (Sanitized) Octocopter - likes the way they fly about

Video game type

3: RPG
4: racer
8: fighting

Squidbeak Splatoon: Agent RandomWhere stories live. Discover now