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Sucks I know I'll try to start writing better                                                                                                                 

Yoongi's POV

  It was the next morning. I woke up and looked over Y/N wasn't there. I started to freak out a little till i heard laughing and Y/N's sweet giggle. I got out of bed and headed down stairs. I saw Y/N and all the guys sitting in around the kitchen. Jungkook was telling her about one of the runs we went on and she was just giggling away. Taehyung noticed me first.

  He pulled me off to the side and handed me a piece of paper. "What's this Tae?" "I pin pointed Jin-woo's exact location" "so we just need a plan now. I know Y/N wants to be apart of this, but I can't let her. She was mad and wasn't thinking striaght." "I know boss man how about we plan tonight after she goes to bed." "Yeah but for now make sure you keep pin pointing him I don't wanna lose him." "Got it boss man" I walked away from Taehyung into the kitchen to grab some breakfast.

  I smirk at Y/N laughing at one of Jin's bad dad jokes. I walk over to the fridge and grab a bottle of water which seems to catch Y/N attention. "Yoongi you're not gonna eat? I'm sure Jin wouldn't mind making more." "Hey he should have been down here earlier" Y/N elbow Jin's arm causing Jin to roll his eyes. "If you want him to eat you cook him something to eat Y/N" "but i don't know how to cook." She pouts at Jin "ugh fine Yoongi what do you want" "Just eggs please, thank you Jin hyung."

  I walk over and sat next to Jungkook. I leaned over and whispered to him that we are having a meeting tonight and to tell everyone else but keep it from Y/N. I looked up to see Y/N just staring at me.

  "What?" She just shakes are head and walks out the kitchen. "Well that was weird" Namjoon clears his throat "You may be the brains of running this gang but you sure are clueless when it comes to girls." "What are you talking about Joon" "she clearly likes you Yoongi, but you going from being nice to her to being a total dick face."

  "She does not like me Joon so you're the clueless one here bro." Jin places a plate down infront of me "no Yoongi he's right she does like you. I've talked with her she gets the biggest smile when your brought into the conversation even if it's the smallest thing. She likes the fuck out of you but your being a total dick head towards her."

  I blush a little "you both have no idea what you're talking about when's the last time either of you have even been around a girl hm?" They say nothing "That's what I thought now drop it."


  I run up the stairs and crash into Jungkook's room and jump on the bed "Ugh Kook why does he have to act like that. Is he really that blind to see that I like him?"

  Jungkook looks up from his phone "maybe he's just dumb Y/N ever thought about that one. Boss has never done relationships. He always just brings a girl home and hooks up with her and kicks her out right after. I don't think he does feelings at all so I wouldn't hold your breath on him liking you back."

"Why you haven't seen how he acts when we are by ourselves Jungkook." "You're gonna get your feelings hurt Y/N" "Why does everyone say that. Yoongi said I shouldn't like a guy like him, but can you help me with something?" "Yeah I guess." "Help me make Yoongi jealous, oh I'm gonna start sleeping in here" "Y/N I don't wanna die." "Look I won't let him kill you I just wanna prove to you and him that he has some kinda of feelings for me."

"Fine but I'm only giving this a few days okay if he doesn't show interest by then your not sleeping in here anymore."

"Hush I have a plan now listen."


Yoongi's POV

  I walk into the kitchen to look for Y/N to send her to bed. I couldn't find her so I started to check the boy's rooms. First Jin nothing. After that Namjoon, she still wasn't there. Hoseok he said he hasn't seen her. Jimin said she might be with Taehyung talking about her dad, but he knows not to say anything. She wasn't with Taehyung either there was only one room left to check and if she wasn't in there I don't know what I'll do.

  I made my way down the hall towards Jungkook's room, I knocked, maybe he's sleeping but the lights are on. I pushed the door open slowly, once it fully I saw Jungkook on top Y/N with his shirt off. I don't remember what happned after that because all I saw was red and all I heard was screaming. I came to when Y/N wrapped her arms around my waist to keep me from killing Jungkook. Everyone came running because they heard the screaming. I couldn't move I just felt Y/N burying her face into my back.

  "Please don't hurt him. This is my fault I asked him to help me to prove to him and you that you like me. I'm sorry Yoongi. Maybe I should have went about it a different way." "Let go of me Y/N" "no" her grip gets tighter.

   I pull her hands off me "you don't like me do you" I turn around and look at her with her head down. "Look at me" she looks up at me with tears in her eyes. I grabbed her hand and pulled her out the room past all the guys up to my room. I close the door after I pull her in.

  "I told you not to fall for a guy like me." "You could have just said you didn't like me downstairs" she tries to open the door but I hold it close. "Y/N I never said I didn't like you. I'm trying to keep you away from all this I don't want you to get hurt." I walk closer to her..she starts to blush and look down. I grab her chin and make her look at me.

  My eyes go straight to her lips and I don't even notice I lick my lips. "Yoongi please" "Please what kitten" "kiss me" I smirk and pull her face closer and ghost my lips over her's. "Yooongiii just kiss me" I chuckle and kiss her lips.

  She pulls away trying to catch her breath "you do have to apologize to Jungkook for almost killing him." I close my eyes and tilt my head back and let out a groan "come on I wasn't gonna kill him" "you threw him against the wall." "Fine but in the morning okay you need to get some sleep."

  I pull my Phone out to text Taehyung that the meeting is gonna be early tomorrow so tell everyone.

Revenge Never Tasted So Sweet (Min Yoongi x Reader)  Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang