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Y/n's POV

I woke up and realized I was wearing a blindfold. I tried to talk but there was something in my mouth. You also realized you were moving so you assume you were in a car. You kept calm. You sat up and heard movements around you. Soon the blindfold was taken off of you, you blinked a few times for your eyes to adjust.

When they finally adjusted you saw a boy around your age with a face mask on that only covered half his face. The boy started talking "I'll take the tape off your mouth, but you have to promise not to scream..okay?" You just nodded your head. He slowly took the tape off your mouth. It hurt but you didn't flinch. You blinked a couple times and tried to stay calm. You just stared at the boy and finally said, "why am I here?" The boy looked down and then looked at you " because your father stole something from us so we are stealing you from him." You tilted your head a little because you were confused. "What did my father steal from you he's only a simple businessman?" The boy blinked a few times then removed his facemask. You were shocked you knew this boy from school. "Look y/n I know this is very complicated, and I swear someone will explain it soon, but I have to put this blindfold back on okay?" You just shook your head okay and then everything went black again.

After what felt like forever the car finally stopped. You heard the door open you were then picked up and cared into what you think was a building. Everthing was quiet then the blindfold was yanked off of your eyes. You blinked a few times, and what you saw were 7 men one of them which you knew but the other 6 you had no clue. A man with minty green hair stepped forward. You couldn't lie all these men are very good looking, but this minty haired boy was the cutest out of the 7. "So you are the big bad Jin-woo's daughter," the minty haired boy said. You just shook your head yes then looked down.

He then put his finger under your chin and lifted your head to look at him. "I now see why a few people had their eyes on you, you're sure are a looker" you blushed a little. "So here's the deal princess I'm only gonna say this once so remember because you might be here a while. My name is Yoongi" he then pointed behind him at the six other boys "I assume you already know Jungkook, but as for the other five" he pointed at a man with wide shoulders "he's name is Jin" then he pointed at the tallest man "he's name Namjoon" he pointed at the next one that looked like straight sunshine and had a beautiful smile "he's Hoseok" he then pointed to the next who looked like a little mochi "he's Jimin" the next boy had a boxy smile "Taehyung got it?" All you could do was shake your head yes, because you were afraid your voice would fail you.

"So now that we know each other we don't plan to hurt you unless your father gives us reason too." You tilted your head to the side, "but I don't understand what my father took from you like I told Jungkook he's only a businessman. Yoongi laughed "you don't know do you?" You just shook your head "know what?" Yoongi rolled his eyes "your father is a leader of a gang he just uses the businessman title for cover." You just looked at him in disbelief "you're lying" "no I'm not" he started to get irritated. "Here's the deal princess you are free to walk around the house as you please, but do not and I repeat do not try to leave on your own got it?" "Got it geez" ,and with that Yoongi walked away along with the rest of the boys besides Jungkook.

He came up to you and untied your hands and feet. "Hey, are you okay y/n" you just shook your head yes. "Well do you want something to eat or drink," he asked, "can I please have some water?" Jungkook lead you to the kitchen where you saw Jin "oh hey y/n would you like something to eat?" You just hid behind Jungkook "no thank you, Jin right?" He just smiled "yes that's right. I promise we aren't as mean as we look, Yoongi is a nice guy he's just putting a front on." You just smiled Jungkook got you a glass of water.

While you were drinking your water Yoongi walked in "so princess we only have 7 rooms so you'll be staying in my room so I can keep away these horn dogs from the innocent little princess" "well what makes you think I'm so innocent" you asked.

"Well let's see you didn't know your father was a gang leader I even bet you're a virgin" you just looked down "Oh my god you are a virgin aren't you?" You just shook your head yes, and he started laughing and then all the boys walked in "what so funny boss man" Jimin asked, "well little princess over here is a virgin." All the boys just started giggling. Taehyung walked over to you "well babygirl I can fix that for you" he winks at you and you just step away towards Jungkook. Yoongi slammed his hand down on the counter "don't even think about it boys" "aww come on why not" Taehyung asked.

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