Chapter 2: First Mission

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Chapter 2: First Mission

II Yato II

Why does my new Regalia have to hate me? I'm a God!  Well, apparently, she is too. Gah, all of this is just too confusing. Where is Ceres anyway? She just ran off...

My cellphone rang and I jumped. I glared at it for a couple of seconds before picking it up. How did that thing scare me?

"Hello~ Thank you for calling! Fast, affordable, and reliable -- delivery God Yato at your service!" I declared energetically.

"Oh, sure. Okay, ill be on my way."

Now, all I have to do...Is find Ceres. Or I can just call her here. It's not that dark out so it'll work. [Explained in A/N]

"SEKKI!" A katana came flying to me and I grabbed it.

"There you are," I grinned.

"Ceres." The regalia turned into a human. How do I use her Kairo's abilities?

"That was so unexpected! I almost died!" Ceres said and clenched her fists.

"But you didn't. Now, lets go, we have a job."

"A job? To do what?" she asked, annoyed.

"You'll see," I smirked and we took off.



"This is nothing like a job a God would do! I'm a Kairo's and we're doing these stupid jobs?" Ceres whined.

I laughed mischievously, "It's not just any job.."

"Oh, The Great Yato God, what kind of job could it possibly be, then?" she asked with obvious sarcasm.

"I earn five yen," I grinned and clenched my fists in the air.

Ceres stared at me blankly, "Five...yen?"

"Why, of course. I'm saving up to build a breathtaking shrine..." I continue to have a fantasy of my beautiful future shrine.

Before I knew it, she was gone. Eh, why did she leave...?

A moment later, a lady came inside of the bathroom.

"Thank you very much," she smiled and handed me five yen.

I took it and flipped it, "You're very welcome."

Now where did Ceres go?

I jumped out of the window and sighed. She keeps running away..

Suddenly, I was struck to the ground by a phantom that looked like a frog. What's up with these things lately? Why do I keep getting ambushed by them? Ergh..

"Sekki!" a katana came flying to me just like before.

I feel like this is the moment to test out her Kairo's powers.

Wait, how do use them, though? Damn it, I forgot she never told me..

I guess i'll ask her after this fight. I got in fighting position and waited for the phantom to attack.
It's tongue shot out at me. I quickly reacted, vaulting over it. I was about to slash it's head off from the back but I couldn't move the katana. I heard Ceres' thoughts. "Remember when I said I can control the Regalia?" her laugh echoed in my mind.

I groaned, "This isn't such a good idea, knowing that I can get a bligh-DWAAH!" It jumped up from the ground and I went flying. Ouch...It's just like a real frog.

I heard more laughter echo in my mind. "Fight!" I implored, "Why aren't you listening to me?"

"You're worthless." Her words struck me like lightning.

"Just let me control you.." I muttered.

There was a silence between us. Suddenly, she became a human and had a weapon with her. But, the Regalia was still in my head. Her Kairo's Abilities...

"We'll fight seperately. You basically have a level one Regalia now, by the way," she said like nothing happened.

"Alright. Let's do some teamwork," I decided to brighten up the mood.

I caught a glimpse of her lips curve before she ran off, jumping building to building trying to find the phantom.

Was that a smile..? I couldn't help but smile too. E-Eh? Why was I staring anyway? Whatever..

I followed her and I could see the phantom from afar. She was fighting it easily. I hopped on it's back and pierced my sword through its rear. That should do the trick.

It stopped moving and a bright symbol appeared in the air.

Ceres and I high-fived.

She looked over at me and smiled. We stared at each other for a while 'till her eyes widened and she stepped back, her face getting red. Huh? Did I stare too long? O-Oops...

"G-Good job," she stuttered and looked down.

I smirked, "What's with that change of attitude."

"Nothing, I'm leaving," she muttered coldly and ran off.

Eh..she's so bipolar. Though, i'm not surprised.

I ran to a random shrine and layed down. I could see the stars in the sky. They were bright, radiant and beautiful. I wonder what Ceres is doing, or where she is. Why does she always run off like that? And what was with that sudden change of mood? I didn't even get to ask how to use her Kairo's abilities. I sighed, I really don't know her well. But, it's the same for her too. We both are basically strangers to eachother..forced to be partners. I won't leave her though. She's a precious Regalia and I won't throw her away. B-Besides, I care for her...I am her owner afterall.

For some reason, I felt a sharp sting in the back of my neck. Ouch, what is she doing?

I stood up and sighed. It's dark out too..She's not safe outside. Whatever, i'm going to look for her. I can't teleport her here since it's night.

I'll find you, Ceres..and I promise, that we won't be strangers to eachother soon.


That's all for this chapter! Sorry they're kinda short..I just like short chapters for some reason. And plus, I was kinda busy. Anyway, yeah, that's all. #Noteditedthatwellgomenasai

So, basically I made this weird rule thing since it's a fan-fiction and I can make things up. Well, if your Regalia is far away from you at evening or night, you can't call them to you by saying their Regalia name. If it's the afternoon,, morning, or noon you can call them. So, as you can see, it was night at that time.

Also, some of you probably miss Yukine. I'm trying to think of some way to fit him in the story somehow and not ruin the anime for you guys..If I can't, then I just won't. I really can't ruin it for you guys. What I mean is.. like, you know how in fanfictions a really important character from an anime becomes like.. a coffee shop owner or something? For example, Natsu from Fairy Tail isn't in Fairy Tail anymore, he is now an excede that lives in Edolas. ;~; That's why I don't wanna add Yukine in a way that will dissapoint the readers. I can't really think of a way to add him.

Oh, and Hiyori. Let's just pretend she's a childhood friend that's a phantom and she still loves the wrestling stuff, 'kay? 'kay.

Don't worry she'll be in the story. :3... I hope..? Idk. HOW DO I FIT HER?! Gah, i'll fit her.. well.. I don't know. It depends on how long the story is o-o

Hehe.. ~


Perished Gods[Noragami Fanfiction] YatoxOCWhere stories live. Discover now