Chapter 9: Hatred

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: LilianaSkye

Chapter 9: Hatred

A/N If you become a Nexus Nora, you regain your memories of your past life. That's why Ruri remembers. DEDICATED TO LILIANASKYE FOR BEING THE BESTEST FRIEND IN THE WHOLE WORLD <3

II Yato II

She.. actually came?
What does she expect from me?

"Why are you here?" I asked.

She sat on her legs and smiled, "You called me out here, didn't you, Yato?"

I scoffed, "It's not like I wanted you here," I lied. I don't want her here. I need her here.

I need answers from her.

She pouted, "Why are you in such a bad mood? I did what you wished."

What I wished?

"I never asked you to do anything for me."

She giggled, "Of course you didn't. But, I know you so well."

"What are you talking about?" 

"Well, it didn't turn out the way I wanted it. But, I was about to put Hera to sleep...I sensed your presense, though, and ran to look for you. I couldn't finish my job," she exaggeratedly sighed.

I clenched my fists, my nails ripping my skin. 

"Why would you hurt her?" my voice cracked. 

Her eyes widened in surprise, "She was a fool. She killed me, why else?"

"Is that really all? You want revenge because she killed you? It was for your own good!"

"What would you know?! You don't know the feeling of losing your memories and becoming a Nexus Nora just because I wanted to know who you were again... She took away my life, and you think that's okay?!" she screamed.

"Of course not! were an amazing friend. I didn't want you to die, and neither did Hera! You werent berserk. You were possessed by a Phantom Regalia. They possess of desperation for a human body. You were a victim.. We couldn't do anything.. Neither of us could kill you. Don't you remember? You almost killed me...Hera saved me."

"You don't understand... She loved you, Yato. She got rid of me so she can have you for herself. Can't you see...Yato?" she snatched her eyepatch off of her eye, tears pouring from the other one.

"I did this for you. I didn't even know who you were at that time. But, when I find you, and you told me who I was to you, I had to do it. I sacrificed an eye for you, and you take her side!" she pounded her fists on the ground, sobbing, "Why...?" 

I took her into a hug, "I loved you. You meant the world to me, you made me smile day to day, cheering me up when I was down. You gave me presents, things I would've never gotten from anyone. You meant a lot to me... But, now.." I let go.

She looked surprised, still crying.

"You're not the same Ruri I used to know. My feelings for you passed a long time ago after I realized something..." I was about to confess my deepest secret, and decided not to. I can't risk anything. I already know how she feels about me, I can't let Hera get hurt.

"Yato, what did you realize?" she choked.

I shook my head, "It's nothing.. Just-just.. tell me truth.."

She looked away, "You'll hate me."

"Why haven't you noticed?" I sighed.


"I already hate you," I stated boldly.

She backed away on the ground, sobbing, "No..."

"I thought you become aware of that. I guess not," I said emotionlessly.

"Y-Yato... why.." she looked down, staring at her hands.

"You're pathetic."

"I loved you.."

"If you really loved me, you wouldn't have made me suffer the deaths of the ones I love. You wouldn't have hurt someone who means so much to me. You wouldn't be like this."

"I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" she cried, "Just go away..You .. jerk.."

I walked away, but, to my surprise, there was Hera standing there, leaning on the wall for support.


Hera... Did she hear what I said? She probably thinks i'm some kind of selfish jerk now..

Ruri stared at her with mixed emotions on her face. 

She just stood up and sighed, "I should've saw this coming anyway. Yato. I understand now. I know who you hold feelings for. I realized I was in the way of everything. You don't have to forgive me. Yato..goodbye," were her last words before she faded away into darkness.

I ran to Hera and grabbed her so I can support her, "Are you okay? Why did you leave?"

She shrugged. I sighed and looked at her, "Did you hear what I was saying?"

She nodded and looked down, "Some things. About how you used to love her," she muttered and fiddled with a note.

I searched my pockets for the note I had before, because it looked familiar to that one, but, it was gone.

"But, you said you have feelings for someone else," she interrupted my thoughts.

My eyes widened. What will I say? I can't tell her..


"Who is it?" she asked.

I already know she doesn't feel the same. She probably just sees me as a brother, that's all.


Should I confess?

I can't.. I just..can't..

But, I can't lie to her either.

I guess i'll just get it over with.


She stayed silent.

"I-I love you.."


As always, inbox me if you're confused. :3 cya
Oh, and sorry for slow updates. Really busy. :C
bai bai~

Perished Gods[Noragami Fanfiction] YatoxOCजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें