LVII. Man in the Box

Start from the beginning

"Aw, that's fun. Unfortunately the girls are in Omaha for the weekend being angsty at a Radiohead concert. But I can feed you." Jody offered.

"Ooh." Sam and Nate commented.

"Yes. Alright. Oh, uh... Since the last time we saw you? I killed Hitler." Dean told Jody.

"Oh." Sam rolled his eyes and walked off.

Dean was very pleased with himself.

Jody, in a perplexed, replied, "Thank you?"

"You're welcome." Dean said.

Jody noticed Holly's left hand. "You're engaged."

"Uh, married, actually." Holly corrected. "Nate and I went to the courthouse and got married. Sorry, should've told you."

Jody frowned at her. "Yes, you should have! Congratulations, dear. You too, Nate."

Nate smiled. "Thanks."

They started watching a movie. There was a romantic scene of a couple silhouetted against a sunset while sweeping music played on Jody's TV. The couple kissed.

Dean, with his mouth full of pizza, asked, "Jody, you watching some kind of chick flick here?"

"Well, Dean. I'm a chick." Jody replied.

"No. No, no. You're– you're a badass sheriff chick. Holly's a badass hunter chick and she's not even a rom-com chick. You're not a-a rom-com chick. Wait, are you a rom com chick?"

"I'm not surprised she's not. Are you?"

Sam, also with his mouth full, replied, "He's more of a, uh... animated Japanese erotica chick."

"All day every day." Holly added.

Jody leaned forward in interest. "Really?"

Dean glared at Sam and Holly and looked uncomfortable.

"Mm-hmm." Sam and Holly hummed.

Jody's phone rang in the other room and she stood up to answer it. "I need to leave this scintillating conversation."

Sam and Nate chuckled.

Dean was upset with Sam and Holly. "Don't tell her that."

"Tell her what?" Sam and Holly asked.

Dean was still uncomfortable. "It's Jody, man, sis."

"Dude, be proud of your hobbies." Sam told him. "It makes you who you are." He laughed.

Nate nodded. "We've all got things we enjoy."

Jody walked back through the room, clearly upset.

"Jody?" Sam and Holly asked.

Sam, Dean, Holly, and Nate followed to her bedroom, where she was packing some clothes.

"Jody, what's up?" Dean questioned.

Jody's voice broke. "A friend of mine died."

"Who?" Nate inquired.

"Asa Fox."

Sam sighed deeply.

Dean frowned. "Asa Fox. Why does that name sound familiar?"

"Isn't he the guy that Ellen used to tell stories about back at the Roadhouse?" Holly remembered.

Dean glanced at her. "Yeah. Supposedly he killed, like, five wendigos in a night."

Jody nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, he was a hunter. He, uh. He rolled into town a few months back, tr-tried to convince me he was FBI Agent Fox Mulder. He was chasing a pack of ghouls and I helped. He'd pass through every once in a while after that, and we'd grab co... coffee or... something." She then whispered, "Oh, he was a good man." Her voice broke. "The... the wake's tonight, and, um. They're gonna salt and burn the body tomorrow. I can't believe I just said that like it's something normal."

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