You: That hurt.

Clem: I wasn't expecting the bill to hit you.

You: Well, I'm glad you find it funny.

You sit up and rest your back on the wall.

Clem: Why are you in here?

You: Oh, AJ woke me up earlier when he got up, so I came to see if you were awake. Obviously, you weren't, so I decided to lay down.

Clem: He wasn't too much trouble, was he?

You: No, he was fine.

Clem: Did he learn anything useful?

You: I guess we'll have to see.

Clem: You can't just tell me?

You: Nope.

Clem: Fine.

She begins preparing herself to stand up.

You: How are you?

Clem: Are you talking about last night?

You nod at her.

Clem: I don't know. I just... It'll take time to get over missing a leg.

You: Everything takes time. You'll be fine, I can tell.

Clem: Wow, something sappy from the lone survivor.

You: I have my moments.

She laughs a little at this. You just smile at her.

Clem: Come on, we have stuff to do today.

You get up and hand her the crutches. She begins to stand and almost falls over, but you catch her. You help her back to an upright position.

Clem: Thanks.

You: Just doin my job.

You slowly walk behind her and she leads you outside. There are a few people sitting around, but none of them pay attention to the two of you. Slowly you make your way to a new part of the building.

You: Where are we going?

Clem: My office.

She turns and smiles at you.

You: You have an office?

Clem: Yep.

You: Seems kind of silly.

Clem: I didn't come up with the idea.

You come to the end of the hallway and Clem stops.

You: You think you can get up these stairs?

Clem: Well... Uh... No.

She shifts uncomfortably on her crutches and then tries to take a step.

You: Nope.

With one quick move you pick her up, bridal style, before she ends up falling.

Clem: I had that.

You: Debatable.

You begin walking up the stairs.

You: You're going to have to direct me.

Clem: When you get up the stairs, I'll show you.

Louis: Hey! Oh... Clem we're about to head out!

Clementine hides her face.

Clem: Ok!

You: What was that?

Clem: What?

You: Uh... You hid... Why?

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now