1)Mr Ice Sculpture.

Start from the beginning

It wasn't like Ayat didn't have faith in Allah. She did. She knew whatever happens, happens for the best. But still taking tension was like her hobby and no matter what, it would never just budge. She would have cried a bit hadn't she gotten admission but also accepted the fact after a while because He knows what's best for us as He's the best of planners.

She found solace in her arms. The heat from her body was warming her in this cold brutal winter. Sabeen was her guardian angel. Her mentor. Her mother, father, siblings, all in one. She was 3 when her parents died in a car accident and she landed with her khala. She had no siblings and her khala was her everything. Her home. Her go to person. Her bestfriend. She never got married so that she could raise her niece without any distraction. She loved her like her own daughter and for Ayat, she was her mother. She had always been there for her.

Still she missed her parents a lot. It didn't matter that the period of their time spent together was short, that void in her heart was still there. It wasn't like her Khala didn't love her enough or anything of the sort but parents are parents after all. No one can ever take their place. She had always felt the presence of her mother around her, trying to protect her, caressing her face, and stroking her hair while she was asleep. Both her parents would always keep appearing in her dreams every now and then. Most of the time they would just smile at her. The noor on their faces was a testament of the place they were in. Heaven.

She would always say that there are four valves of hearts. One was owned by her mother, the other one by her father, the third by her khala and the fourth one? Who owned that one? She never figured out. And she was sure it will stay as it is. An abyss. She had a very practical approach towards life. She was very ambitious and just wanted to make her name. The idea of getting married was something she would always run away from like the speed of light. She knew someday she had to get married and actually believed in its foundation too having known it completes half of the deen but right now she was 18 and it felt like a long ride. The ride she wished to be extended as much as it could. Abida aunty, their next door neighbor, would keep bringing half-baked proposals for her which her Khala would politely reject.

She always had a very confused personality. No one could ever stop her from worrying about her future. Sabeen would always ask her to not be so prudent all the time as it wasn't good both for her mental and physical health but overthinking was like her hobby. She wanted to be a successful business woman and always made sure to pursue it by giving her studies her level best. She was a very bright student and had always been top of the class. During exams, she would always fall sick due to excessive stress and Sabeen would always help her in coping up with all the pressure. She would stay up all night with her so she'd be there in case Ayat needed anything. She was aslo her, as we can say, doctor.

Sabeen was a principal in a nearby school and earned enough money to fulfill their needs. She was 37. They weren't very rich but had everything one could ask for and thank Almighty. She was 22 when she brought Ayat to Lahore after Haajra and Raza's(Ayat's parents) death in Islamabad. Ayat had never seen even a glimpse of her house since then. Raza Ahmed was a successful business tycoon of his era and bequeathed all his property to Ayat which was enough for her education expenses. As for his company, his business partners illegally became its owner. He dint't have any family other than Haajra and Ayat to carry on with it and for Sabeen, she didn't really have a say in it. She was a simple girl in her early 20's that time and didn't know how to tackle with all that. Also she had to focus on Ayat and whatever Ayat had inherited was more than enough for her to live a good life. Sabeen never touched that money because it was Ayat's. Haajra also had enough gold which was now safely put in a locker for Ayat's wedding day.

Their hug broke by an oven beep. Sabeen had baked Ayat's favorite cake. It was a maple walnut cake with maple cream cheese frosting. After having a mouthful of it and stuffing her belly as much as she could, Ayat planted a kiss on Sabeen's cheek as a thankyou-gesture and headed towards her room. She was really exhausted. The effect of not sleeping and tossing in her bed all night. Courtesy of her result. Drowsiness could be clearly seen on her face. But first she had to offer her shukraney k nafal. So she went straight to the bathroom and performed ablution. After covering her hair and body properly with a shawl, she spread the prayer mat on the carpet and started praying. She had a habit of talking to Allah like He was her friend so she kept on going and pouring her heart out to Him. By the time she was done her lashes were already dragging her lids downwards. Yawning like a baby, she crawled to her bed, slid under the duvet and closed her eyes in peace and contentment. Within a minute or two she was fast asleep.

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