"Alright, I'll think about it. Thank you both for the advice. I'm gonna go for a shower now so I'll leave you two to whatever you're doing," Eden bid the two goodbye before hanging up the phone and tossing it onto the pillow next to his head, staring up at the ceiling. He didn't want to dwell on his father's offer anymore, he wanted to think more productively. Trouble was, he didn't have anything else to really consider in detail.

Sighing, Eden rose from the bed and tugged off his t-shirt, walking into the bathroom instead. If he couldn't think of anything productive at least he could do something productive. He didn't bother locking the door, turning on the shower and stripping down whilst he waited for the water to warm to the correct temperature.

He couldn't help wishing he was joined by Malcolm, knowing that would have made the experience ten times better. Focusing more on the warm water hitting his tense flesh, Eden tried to expel all thoughts of Malcolm from his head. It wasn't that it saddened him, although that was a problem alongside, it was more that he didn't want to think about what he and Malcolm could get up to if they were allowed to shower together. Jacking off would certainly give him something to do, it just wasn't what he desired.

He didn't spend long in the shower, trying his best to ignore the semi he was sporting whilst he dried his hair, scowling at his mop of damp curls in the partially steamed up mirror. Sometimes he wished there was some sort of pill he could take to dampen his libido, just for when he knew given in to it would make him crave his lover even more. When he knew pleasuring himself wouldn't be worth it.

Eden froze suddenly, his blood running cold, when he heard a crash coming from living room. Instantly, his chest seemed to be heaving in erratic breaths, but he felt so starved of oxygen. Surely no one had broken in, surely it was something that had been put down in a precarious position finally falling. Surely Eden wasn't in any immediate danger. That was what Eden hoped, at least, when he picked up the closest item to him, gripped the towel around his waist, and slowly turned the doorknob. He pulled open the door quickly, practically shouting in frustration at the scene his eyes landed on.

"Malcolm, you almost gave me a fucking heart attack!" Eden yelled, hearing the quiet chuckle drift from Malcolm as he continued to pick up the shards of glass from the coffee table that was completely shattered under him, "what did you even do, are you OK?" once that adrenaline had begun to dampen, Eden realised the severity of the situation, suddenly fearing for Malcolm's possible injuries.

"I'm fine, bunny, I've been working on a teleportation ritual, I simply miscalculated my landing," Malcolm rose and turned on his heel, a wry smirk on his lips when he saw Eden's appearance, "however, my timing is still as perfect as ever," Malcolm strode over, running the tip of his index finger across the towel around Eden's waist, "maybe a few minutes earlier would have been better," Eden's subtle blush faded away to a frown when he noticed a reddish shade elsewhere on Malcolm that most definitely shouldn't have been there.

"Mal, you're bleeding," Eden dropped what was in his hands and carefully rolled up Malcolm's sleeve, gasping at the deep gash on his forearm that was practically down to the bone oozing blood down the man's arm, "shit, Mal, go sit down," Malcolm opened his mouth to protest but Eden had already darted off into the kitchen to get the first aid kit, having expected such a situation to arise that morning, "sit down, Malcolm," Eden repeated his command in a more forceful tone from the kitchen, having not heard Malcolm's footfalls, knowing the man had yet to move.

"I think I'm a little..." Eden knew Malcolm's voice, and that did not sound like him. The words were slurred and slow, Eden knew what Malcolm hadn't had the chance to say.

"I got you," Eden caught Malcolm just as the man stumbled, guiding him over to the couch and helping him sit down carefully. Eden collected the first aid kit, returning to straddle Malcolm's lap, partially because there wasn't room for him to kneel on the floor, partially to keep the man from fidgeting around too much. Eden took out a needle, warning Malcolm to brace himself, before injecting the clear substance right into the wound on the man's arm, feeling him tense underneath him.

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