Test subject 13

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I do not own any marvel character s plots or ideas.

Sleep eluded me for the rest of the night, I'm sure bucky was in a similar position. The early dawn sky began to brighten, a walk might be a good way to clear my mind.  A light mist hung in the air casting a shimmering dew on every leafe, archaic statue and blade of grass.

The wild birds had begun their morning song as they darted from bush to bush foregoing for food, it couldn't have been more serene, it seemed familiar. My mind drifted back to the lab I had woken up in.

The doctor who had presided over my....transformation I suppose, confused me. The more I thought about him, the more his face seemed to appear in my mind. Like I knew him. I didn't see the terror stricken man from the lab, I saw a younger man smiling.

I hugged my arms tighter to myself while furrowing my brow in thought. The hairs on the back if my neck stood on end and to my left I felt a dark grey figure moving, stretching across the distance I felt Bucky's interrupted mind buzzing.

I looked to where he was to see him emerging from the dense tree line with a shovel in his hand heading in my direction.  Something told me he had been aware of my presence long before I was of his.

Of course, he was trained to. "Are you only getting back now?" I asked as he reached me.
"Yeah, had ta bury him deep though I don't thing anybody will come lookin for him. How's Dorothy?"
"Uhhh well, she's got plausible deniability as I somehow managed to make her forget."
Bucky clenched up, considering how hydra messed with his head for so long, it must freak him out that I can do the same without even trying. He cast a wary look in my direction.
Exhaling loudly I added, "I know, I didn't realise what I was doing. She kept saying she wanted to forget, so I , kind of, told her to. And she did."

Bucky studied me for a moment, and it was then that I caught a thought. The only one that had clearly passed through Bucky's head. Yourevenmoredangerousthanme. That rattled me. He was a trained lethal weapon, and I was more dangerous, me, who had no idea what I was doing.

We both turned back to the manor in silence.  A gentleman named Reginald met us at the door and guided us to Dorothy who was sitting at a grand table, legs crossed sipping tea from a delicate cup. She smiled while telling us to sit.

"I trust you both slept well. I had the strangest dream that you and I were chatting in the library willow."
Bucky and I looked at each other for the briefest of moments, "Really, about what?" I asked. 

"Oh I have no idea, something about forgetting." She laughed " It makes no sense does it?"

"No, none at all."

I looked at bucky again who looked absolutely ridiculous sipping from a tiny tea cup. I stifled a laugh as Reginald offered me sugar for my tea. Absentmindedly I asked for one and a "generous  splash of milk".

Hmmm I couldn't remember my own name, but I knew how I liked my tea without having to think of it. Bucky must have recognised the look on my face. "Its strange isn't it, how your body remembers the things you don't?"

"Yeah, very."

The room was silent for a moment and Dorothy squirmed in her chair. "So, I know your busy trying to figure out the whole exacting your revenge thing, and while trying to figure out how best to help, I contacted an old friend, who knows someone you know and even though I told him not to say anything, he may have. So basically I'm not sure but one or more of the avengers may be on there way here as we speak."

It had all come out in a rush, and while I was wondering what on earth she was talking about, bucky had a death glare on his face. Yikes.

"As in Steve?" The glare intensified.

Dorothy swallowed, "yes."

Bucky didn't say another word, but the cup in his hands shattered as his grip tightened around the delicate China. Ah oh. Dorothy looked petrified as Bucky sprang  from his chair and grabbed my arm pulling me with him.

"Where are we going now?"

"Away from here."

"Because your friend Steve is coming and you hate yourself so much that you cant face him despite the fact that he doesn't care and wants to help you."

Bucky paused for less than a second then dragged me through a door into a garage full of beautifulcars, old and new.

"I'm just not ready." He pulled a sheet off an old Ferrari in the corner and got in. I rolled my eyes and climbed into the passenger seat, he was working on removing the console casing to hotwire the car as I pulled the key from the sun visor, " please don't hurt the pretty car."

He snorted as he started the car and it roared to life. "You know, if Steve really wants to find you he will eventually. What are you gonna do then? What if you're still not ready?" Bucky didn't answer. Instead he put the car into gear and tore down the driveway with his death glare in place.

Test Subject 13Where stories live. Discover now