Test Subject 13

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Warning, Strong-ish language

"Wow. I can't believe your a super freak." Sacha said as lay on the floor of his apartment while I levitated cups and books around above us to demonstrate my powers.

"Fuck you!" I sated as we dissolved into giggles before sobering into a dead silence once more. 

"So what, your just gonna wing it and see if you can bust your super assassin boyfriend out of super assassin prison?" 

"First of all, hes not my boyfriend. I just feel like I need to help him. There is way more to this than we know. He is either innocent or he had a reason." 

"Right ok, have any money? Also, you are legally dead and should probably stay that way, so the Hydra assholes don't find you, so how do we get you out of the country?"

"Yeah," I sigh lowering everything back to where it originally was, "I have a bit of cash, and I suppose Ill just mind trick my way onto a ferry heading to France, then get a train to Germany."

"Is he even still in Germany?" 

"I don't know, but I have no idea what else to do." 

"What about Captain America? Though I suppose tracking him down will be just as hard as tracking down oul lover boy." Sasha grunted as he got up from the ground with the ease of a stretching cat. 

I scowled at him Fucker. Oh Wait. 

"Shit, Captain America might not be impossible! We stayed with his old war buddies Niece in England. She called Cap, and then Bucky, kind of had a panic attack, and did a runner before he could get to us. She might still be able to get in contact!" By the end I was gripping Sasha's shoulders, and he was grimcing. 

"Yeah great, how do we get to her? Also have you been lifting weights?"

"No, but I have been wrestling Horses. Same plan as before," letting go and heading for the kitchen, "but we get a Ferry to England. You Check the timetable and Ill make tea."

"Coffee." He calls after me, going to the laptop. 


Falsworth manor was just as I remembered. The butler literally rolled his eyes as he answered the door to me in the early hours of the morning. 

Sasha sat in the corner on his phone as I paced nervously. Dorothy sauntered into the room and exhaled audibly, pausing my trek across the carpet I looked at her.

"I would love to say it's nice to see you again, but that would be a lie."

My head hung in shame, "I'm sorry, but I had to come." 

"I understand, I can give you the number I have for Mr Rodgers, But I'm not sure it will work."

"Burner phone?" I ask.

"Probably. Who is your friend?" Dorothy batted her eye lashes and I had to try so hard not to laugh.

"This is Sasha." Sasha waved not looking up as he kept scrolling through his phone, causing Dorothy to hmph in agitation.  

"Hes checking for news on Bucky." I supplied, Dorothy just sighed and turned to the desk by the door and scribelled on a piece of paper. 

Sasha stilled, "Oh , you wont believe this, " walking towards me he held out his phone showing a grainy video on twitter, "This is from Munich Airport during the last hour. It looks like the Avengers have split. The ones who sided with Captain America are in custody but lover boy and cap got away, nobody knows where."

 I handed the phone back to Sasha and collapsed into a chair resting my head in my hands. Dorothy Handed the folded piece of paper to Sasha and then left. "Lills, you ok?" 

"No. I mean yeah, he escaped so thats good, its just..."

"You were looking forward to seeing him again." 


He sighed and sat on the arm of the chair. "Well maybe you still can. Give it a day or so, then call the number. See what happens." 

I smiled and punched him lightly in the leg, then giggled. "Dorothy seriously liked the look of you." 

Pulling a face Sasha answered, "Too bad shes not an Itallian underwaer modle, and you know, male." 

We both laughed at that , "Your standards are WAYYY too high." 

"Hey, at least I'm not love sick over a ninety something year old super assassin."

"Oh shut up! Come on, Ms Falsworth clearly doesn't want us here, and who could blame her." 

We stood and made our way towards the front door, "Where to now?" 

"Main land Europe, I feel like it will be easier getting to Bucky from there."


"Oh god no, sick of them, we will take the tunnel and procure a car on the far side." 

Test Subject 13Where stories live. Discover now