Test subject 13

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I do not own any marvel characters plots or ideas.

It was sometime in the early hours of the morning when an unsettling feeling drew me from my sleep. The room was entirely quiet. A light breeze blew in through the open window, the window that had been closed when I lay down my head. Listening so intently I could hear my own heart beating and the faintest indrawn breath. My mind stretched out in search of an intruder. It found one that was crazed, his mind was fuzzy and aggressive like a rabid dog, and in his head he kept repeating "don't make a sound and kill the bitch."

Scanning the room for something to use as a weapon I remembered I had to be looking at him to use my mind. Without sparring a second thought, I rolled in the opposite direction of my assailant and ran to the far wall. All was silent in the room as my eyes strained into the looming darkness. His mind screamed. I could not see him,and he couldn't see me either.

He couldn't move not knowing where I was but he knew well enough I was dangerous or he would have made a move  by now. His anger boiled he was practically praying for me to make a move so he could, and I quote, " git me good". He was so livid that he began to give off a kind of red glow. It started as a colour in his mind and then the space where he was standing started to glow, and was getting brighter. 

Hoping that the glow was a result of my weirdness and not his, I used my mind to through him up into the air and into the ceiling. He came crashing back to the ground and what I presumed was a gun clattered to the ground. Running towards the door I fumbled for the light switch. The room illuminated and I turned to find a balding tattooed man still glowing red dragging himself across the floor towards the gun.

I flung him against the far wall and held him there, walking towards him and picking up the gun I prayed that I looked somewhat intimidating. His face twisted in a snarl as he spat, " have you ever actually fired one of those you freak!"

"Don't call me a freak, you're the one who is glowing red". A look of confusion crossed his face before he started a long stream of insults that I assumed were ment to upset me. As I pondered what to do next, Bucky and Dorothy burst through the doors. "What the hell happened?" Bucky demanded as he stood between me and the screaming lunatic. "Well this arse hole came through the window and was going to shoot me."

Bucky took the gun from my hands as Dorothy mumbled, "h-how did you do that? What are you?" I looked at her she was beginning to back towards the door. I softened my face and answered honestly, "I don't know what I am, this is what they did to me. It scares me too." Dorothy stopped backing away at that though the look of fear and shock stayed plastered to her face.

"Can you let him down, I want to interrogate him." Bucky asked and I nodded. The still cursing maniac crashed back to the floor.  Bucky pulled him his feet and pinned him at the neck with his metal arm.

"Who are you?" Bucky demanded, another string of insults  escaping his lips. "Fine," bucky says pressing his arm harder against the intruders neck, " who sent you?" The man began to laugh hysterically.

He then bared his teeth dislodging one of his bottom incisors, bit down on it and swallowed. Within seconds he was convulsing and foaming at the mouth. "Shit." Bucky let him fall to the ground with a sickening thud.

"What happened?" I asked inching forward. " He swallowed a god dam syanide pill."

"Was he hydra?" Bucky tugged at the color of the dead mans shirt revealing a tattoo of an octopus contained within a circle, "Yeah, that's their symbol." I almost asked if he had one like it but thought better of it.

Dorothy was quietly whispering to herself not to get sick in the corner of the room. Bucky had noticed as well, " I better get rid of the body."

With that he stood slinging the body over his shoulder like sack of potato's. Noticing for the first time I still had his gun in my hand, I passed it to him, "Take this to." He nodded once while pocketing the weapon.

When he was gone I guided Dorothy back the library from earlier and poorer her a generous glass of brandy. She sat shaking in her chair, eyes wide and hand clutched to her chest.

"Are you OK?" I ask in as soft a voice as possible.

"No. No I'm not, I just saw you hold a man against the wall with your mind, and then he bloody well killed himself."

"I'm sorry we brought this into your home. You shouldn't have to deal with this kind of..... Weird."

She nodded and swallowed a large mouthful of brandy, " I just wish I could forget what I saw."

I nodded, "then forget it. Just block it out and pretend it never happened. Forget everything you saw."

I said the last part while staring into her eyes, willing not to remember. She blinked a few times, "what?"

"Just forget what happened."

She frowned and leaned back in her chair, "forget what?"

"The man in my room?"

She looked even more confused. "What are you talking about."

Oh dear. That's new.

Test Subject 13Where stories live. Discover now