test subject 13

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I do not own any marvel characters plots or ideas.

What was wrong with me? I had let Bucky stalk into the lions den on his own. Granted he hadn't wanted me to go with him, but I had agreed not to. Out of fear. I was afraid of what would happen to me. Of what I might do to other people as well. Looking over the bank towards the lights I couldn't hear anything to suggest discord within the base.

The sentries on the far side of the tree line had gone still, undoubtedly they had been gently lulled into unconsciousness by Bucky. Carefully creeping Over the sodden earth, I felt again for the base. They were sill there, milling about, apparently unaware.

As I edged from tree to tree, a strange buzzing noise caught my attention. It sort of sounded like a bee, or maybe a hive of them because it was to loud to be only one. My foot connected with something the clanked and rustled, like I had just kicked a pile of junk metal.

"Ohhhhh shit." It was a drone, laying at an awkward angle with a clear bullet hole. The buzzing sound was getting louder but I couldn't discern where it was emanating from. My heart leaped in my chest at the sudden realization that I couldn't feel the drone, it wasn't human. It didn't have a aura or a conscience.

Ok, so there's no alarms ringing, everything is calm within the base. Glancing at the drone it looked like it had a rotary camera on the bottom, It had to have been Bucky. That buzzing is another drone coming to inspect what happened to this one. When it finds its going to raise the alarm. Bucky is screwed unless I do something.

Gripping the tree trunk for dear life I willed myself to make a run for the Look out. Get a gun, shoot at drone, draw the enemy out and Bucky might just get what he needs, without being captured in the process.

I closed my eyes and sprinted as fast as I could, rounding the hut to find the door still locked. The eye with viewing point at the front was so narrow I couldn't pull the automatic rifle off its stand and through the hole.

A small green light appeared in the distance, Running back I grabbed a rock and smashed the drone into smaller pieces, tearing the internal wiring with my hands. Snapping circuit boards. The drone was coming every closer and I stood preparing to run, draw its attention and prey it has no way of blowing me up.

Its light reached my hiding place and it seemed as though time slowed. I hadn't been this scared when a row of men stood aiming their guns at me near a cliff side. It was a fear of the unknown. I had no idea what the drone was capable of.

My knees unbent as I pushed up from my crouching position. I bolted. As fast as I could and as hard, back though the tree line and out into the open marsh land. A massive mistake. The drone was faster than me, and did indeed have an automated weapon.

The ground around around me spluttered and turf sprayed up into my face as the bullets rained down around me. I couldn't breath. I couldn't see, but my legs kept moving. But I wasn't fast enough.

The first bullet hit me on the outside of my right thigh. The pain was searing and I nearly fell, but managed to stumble on a few paces, before a second bullet cut right through my left shoulder, it was surreal seeing it leave my body from my peripheral vision, a fraction of a second later.

This time, my body would't go on. Laying on the cold wet soil, I heard the drone hover until it was positioned over me. I rolled onto my back to look at it. Its mechanised gun buzzed as it repositioned its self. The green light chanced to a blue beam that rant over my body, from me feet up to my head.

Intruder recognised. Another series of beeps and buzzing ensued.

Intruder recognised. Escaped Test Subject 13. Course of action request.

Request? was this thing talking to someone?

Confirmed. Test Subject will be terminated.

The gun repositioned again and I closed my eyes, a short clink was heard and then something fell heavy at my feet. opening my eyes, I saw the drones light dim and the buzzing die down as the drone died.

Bucky. Looking up I spotted him. Stone faced and covered in blood. Lowering his gun so it hung at his side. I smiled uncontrollably. The pain momentarily forgotten. As he approached my body went numb and my vision became hazy.

I felt his fingers graze my cheek as i drifted into Darkness.

So much for white nights, this dark one suits me much better.

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