Test subject 13

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**Warning, strong language**

I began to fear we would'nt make it in time. Then I began to regret coming at all. If my terrible feeling was correct and the the end was near, what even was the point in seeking Bucky out. He left me for my own good, but would'nt I seem like a crazy person just appearing and, and what? Confess that I had been stupidly hunting him down to tell him I was madly in love with him? 

What was I hoping to achieve? I shook myself and readjusted my seat in the cargo plane. At this point I would be happy to lay eyes on him one last time, to see him happy. Oh my god, Im crazy. Absoloutly insane. 

The plane lurched, and I grabbed at a strap hanging above my head. Just barely audible over the sounds of the twin propeller engines was Sasha's whispered mantra, " please don't let me die, please don't let me die, please don't let me die!"

"And who is that prayer directed at?"

" Uhhh I donno, Jesus? Zeus? Thor? Whoever is Willing to listen!"
The plane lurched again and he whined like an actual puppy.

"Why are you so calm?!!"

I snorted " It's typical actually. Were so close now that I'm getting cold feet. Would rather this plane went down than I had to face him, and how I feel."

"Are for fucking real?? You can wish yourself out of existence all you want, but I would rather my end wasn't falling out of the sky in a rattling metal tube that smells like oil and cow shit!"

I laughed out loud this time and looked towards the front of the plane.

The hair on the back of my neck stood on end, and chilly tingles spread down my arms and back. The plane lurched again. I stood and made my way carefully to the cockpit. Sasha came behind me, he was saying something but I just didn't know what, I couldn't hear him over the sound of my heart pounding in my ears.

A little light on the control panel that said aunto piolet was blinking .
The pilot's chair was empty, except for  a layer of ashes. The large flaky kind you get when you burn paper.

My heart skipped a beat and I felt numb, the pounding in my ears turned to a ringing.

Sasha was screaming and pulling me from the cock pit, he pushed me against a wall and continued to scream but I just looked at him. I felt wrong. The world felt wrong.

Sasha lifted his hand and slapped me across the face, "snap the fuck out of it or we really will die!"

My cheek stung and I shakily took in a breath. "What do we do? " I asked.

"I don't know, where did the Piolet go?? I didn't see him get up, is there even a toilet on this thing?" He was still screaming, he knew what I knew, he just didn't want to admit it.

"He's gone. "

"Gone where?"

"He's just gone Sasha. I can't feel him anymore. It's like he doesn't exist."

Sasha frowned, "are we still talking about the Piolet?"

My eyes welled and stung from the tears. My throat felt tight and I couldn't speak. So I shook my head instead.

Sasha said nothing, just looked at me. What could he have said anyway. The plane shook again and tilted a bit.

" Oh shit." He said before throughing himself away from me. Ripping a panel from the wall just outside the cockpit and pulling out a parachute.

"Of course there's only one. Why is there always only one?" Sasha pulled it on, strapping himself in and pulling a length of rope from the same compartment. "Oh well, I suppose if we die it might as well be together." He turned me around so my back was to his front and with shaky hands created a rudimentary harness and secured it as best as he could to his parachute.

He then pushed me in a hurried awkward double shuffle to the back of the plane, pulling the cargo hatch lever, a hydraulic his emanating from it as it opened. He leaned back and grabbed our packs, "here hold these against your chest, cross your arms , and for the love of Thor, don't let fucking go."

I nodded mutely and stared out through the hatch. This was really happening. "You would love Thor." I replied. He chocked a bit before edging us forward and then we tipped over , or the plane tipped I'm not sure. The world went funny for a second and I couldn't breathe.

Then after what seemed like an eternity, we jolted and slowed , I looked up to see that the parachute had deployed.

" I didn't know you had been sky diving before!" I screamed above the wind .

"I haven't, this has been the sketchiest streek of winging it that I have ever done. Or ever fucking will do hopefully." 

The ground was approaching at an alarming rate, were we ment to come in this fast?

"Why.." I began but was cut off, "it's the extra weight!"

"Are you calling me fat?"
"No you idiot it's the fucking bags! "

Oh-kay! Sasha was stressed, which you know, fair enough.

"Oh shit, ok , bend your legs!! I think!"

I hd no time to question that one and jut obeyed. My head was still doing fuzzy spinny things and I was no way in control of this situation. Sasha had been the head bitch for the entirety of this travesty.

We hit the ground and automatically both of our leggs caved and we tipped forward being dragged across the ground. I dropped the bags as the stones and shrubbery bit into the flesh of my arms. After about the length of a football field we stopped, the folds of the parachute settling above us.

Sasha produced a knife from his boot and cut us apart, and then free of the heavy fabric. Scrambling over the rough terain back to our bags. Sasha stopped half way and I turned to look at him.

"Do you need some help?"

"No no, I just, I don't feel very well."

My stomach dropped and I felt sick. Like I was still falling. "Yeah me too."

We both sat on the ground together, and glanced around us. " Oh god."
Sasha's voice sounded broken and I looked at him, he held his hand up before his face as it slowly turned to ash, our eyes met and I grabbed his other hand, just as I felt my leg slip as though my foot no longer supported its weight on the ground. "I love you Sash. " I said as I lent my head on his shoulder, "I love you too." My head fell as his shoulder faded away.

I felt my heart stop,I saw my and Sasha's ashes drift before where we used to be, and then there was nothing.

Test Subject 13Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon