Test Subject 13

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I do not own any Marvel characters, plots or ideas.


A look of recognition settled on the bionic man's face. "Ah," he said, "Well, what did they call you then?"

 "What do you mean?" I asked. " Like a code name or something? They...they used to call me the Winter solider."

"Oh," I wanted so desperately to ask where he got that name but held my tongue, "I think I heard something about a test Subject, Yeah thats what they called me "the test subject."

"Well thats grim." He exhaled. All of a sudden  the cold hit me and I began shivering uncontrollably, wrapping my arms around my middle to try and conserve heat. Noticing this, the "winter solider" as he had called himself, shifted uncomfortably. "We should move on before anyone else comes after you, or me." he said turning to scan the woods.

I nodded and followed him as he began to trek downhill along the cliffs edge until we cleared the woods into some fields. In the distance there was a small two story house, there was a car outside but it did'nt look like anyone was home.

The solider indicated to move forward with his fingers, an action that had special ops military all over it. Halfway across the field to the home, it began raining heavily. Looking down to shield my face from the weather, I saw the blood that was staining my shirt. The falling rain only made the vibrant red spread farther down the thin fabric of the standard issue hospital clothes I was wearing, like a pair of scrubs.

Feeling faint, and the pain returning, that had been momentarily out shadowed by the cold, my legs began to shake, my vision began to blur and I was struggling not to fall to my knees. The soldier looked back and saw me struggling to keep up.

He stopped walking, waiting for me to catch up. "Here." he said as I stumbled to his side, wrapping my good arm around his shoulder and his metal one around my waist to support me. "First time you been shot?" asked. "I do'nt know." I replied absentmindedly.

"Right, " he said, " well you had better hope there are good pain killers in this place or you're really gonna feel it." I could'nt reply, it was taking so much effort just to concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other

Finding a gap in the hedge, we crouched low and made out way to the back of the house. "Wait here." the solider said as he walked around to the front. I heard loud banging on the front door. Moments later reappeared. "There is definitely nobody home."

I nodded from my position on the wet ground. Using his metal arm, the solider broke a back window, opening the latch for the window to swing open. Brushing the glass aside, he reached down and pulled me too my feet.

"Can you climb in on your own?" he asked looking at my shoulder. "I think so." Failing to lift myself up, the solider picked me up, lifting me in legs first and placing me on the floor in a large living room. He followed closely behind, calling, "try not to bleed on anything." as he passed me to explore the rest of the house.

I made my way to the couch, sitting down gingerly and trying not to "bleed" anywhere, as per instructed. When the solider returned, he sat beside me with an armful of clothes and some other items that I was slightly dubious about.

"You can put these on when were done, take off your top." He turned from me as I removed the oversized garment soaked in blood, wincing as it moved over my left shoulder, and clutched it to my chest, "Done." I whispered.

He tuned examining the wound, "It went straight through, lucky you. Means I wont have ta dig around for the bullet." My face paled at the thought, it was bad enough anyway. He then used an anti septic wipe to clean the wound and pulled out a tube off what looked like super glue, pulling the cap off with his teeth.

"Is that superglue?" I asked skeptically. He smirked, "yeah, it was invented in WWII for quickly fixen up minor gunshot wounds and the such. If would prefer I could use a needle and some thread to sew it up. That would be especially fun considering we do'nt have any anesthetic." He answered.

Swallowing hard I whispered "No no, superglue is good." He worked in silence then before putting a sticky bandage on he looked at me. "Do you want a shower first, you will have to be quick."

"Yes!" I practically yelled in his face. He Smirked again, "Bathrooms just through there, don't get lost." he handed me the clothes as he pointed towards the door behind us. As I was just through the door he called again, "I'm serious about you being quick."

I closed the door and stripped off the rest of the way turning on the hot water and stepping in. It took a moment to heat up but when it did it felt like heaven. I closed my eyes and lifted my face letting the water wash over my face. The tension left my body and I was just about to breath a sigh of relief when images of blurred faces and blinding lights.

Pain began to spread down my arms. I gasped for air, opening my eyes and shutting off the water. I nearly tore the shower curtain down as I clambered out on unsteady legs. The solider banged on the door a few times,  "Hurry up, we gotta go."

Ignoring my racing heart I placed the sticky plaster on over my wound then pulled on the faded jeans and oversized long sleeved black shirt. I slipped the grubby slippers that I had woken up in back on. Exiting the bathroom I saw the solider leaning against the back of the couch checking map.

"Ready?" He asked without looking up. "Yes I suppose." He stood, folding the map and shoving it inside a jacket he had procured from the homeowner's coat rack by the door, "Lets go." He headed for the window we had come in though, I paused by the coat rack grabbing the warmest looking one before following his lead.

It took him less than a minute to break into the Volkswagen and get it started. I had barely closed the door on the passengers side when he pulled off. "Where are we?" I asked looking out the window. "Germany, near Mannheim." I nodded, "Where are we going?"

"A small airfield near  Bremen, we're gonna steal a plane and fly to England, I have a Friend there who can shelter us. Or, well he used to be a friend." I nodded again and continued starring out the window. After about a half an hour, I cleared my throat. "So what do I call you?"

His grip tightened on the steering wheel, "I...I think it was Bucky. I think its what they called me before I became..... what I am." I tilted my head slightly, " And what are you?" I asked softly. He clenched his jaw but did'nt say anything. I whispered an apology, clearly whatever they made him into, he did'nt want to be.

After another short while he spoke up again, "What will we call you?" he asked. I thought about if for a moment as I stared out the window at the passing landscape. We came to a stop sign at a T junction. On the other side of the road, a large Willow tree grew atop of a hill.

"Call me Willow."

Test Subject 13Where stories live. Discover now