Test Subject 13

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I do not own any Marvel characters, plots or ideas.

It was paramount that we didn't raise any alarms getting into Iceland. Stealing aircraft and cars was going to come back and bite us in the ass fairly quickly if we continued to do so, seeing as how Bucky was adamant he didn't want Steve to find him.

It also meant I had to exercise my mind control more. We had to seem as though we were going through all the official avenues, so we needed two passports. 

"Its very simple." Bucky says scrubbing a hand over his face. 

"You keep saying that, who are you trying convince exactly?" I ask offhandedly as I scanned the hotel lobby, while sipping a cup of tea. There were plenty of other people milling around, sitting and enjoying a coffee, happily chatting about the calm normal events of their every day lives. 

"I just feel it should be..harder." 

"No, you are just used to over complicating things. Thanks to my recently discovered" I paused searching for the right word. "ability, you no longer have to sneak in and riffle through peoples personal belongings."

Bucky grunted at my observations as a young couple practically bounded into the lobby, Chattering excitedly as they approached the desk. Perfect. I looked to Bucky and he nodded ever so subtly so nobody else would notice. I watched them from the corner of my eye as they picked up their bags and headed for the elevator. 

I took deep calming breaths as I rose from my seat and followed them. They stood to the back of the lift and I smiled warmly, glancing at the button pad I saw they were on the second floor. 

"Oh look, the same floor as me," I laughed, turning slightly, "are you staying for long?"

"Oh just for the week," The young man answered in a strong German accent. "Oh how nice." I chirped back. 

The doors slid closed, about to compel them to hand over their passports and money I noticed the camera, shite. Looking to the floor I felt for their minds and found another problem, How was I going to compel the girl to bring me what I wanted and at the same time make her companion zone out. 

Concentrating on the mans mind first, I willed him to sleep, pushing his mind in on itself so he would faint just long enough to get to his friend. Grunting he pinched the bridge of his noise, it was like trying to strangle someone and I wasn't happy with the discomfort he was feeling, what if I broke his brain.

Letting off the pressure I sighed and waited for the doors to reopen. "Oh dear, Your noise is bleeding." A sickening feeling of guilt settled in my stomach, without so much as a glance at the couple behind me I rushed from the elevator and rounded the corner. Thankfully they headed off in the other direction and I headed back for the lobby.

Bucky looked up apprehensively and frowned in confusion, "Whats wrong?" 

"complications I need to get one of them on their own."

"Cant you just mind trick them?"

"No, not at the same time, not with cameras, and not without hurting them."

Bucky was silent for a moment and then said in the most infuriating I told you so manner, "can we do this my way now?" 

I just nodded, still not over the fact I had hurt someone, someone who hadn't done anything wrong. 


Plan B had worked much better. At least Bucky could get what we needed without nearly killing anyone. While I regretted what I had done it was a learning curve. I got over confident in powers I didn't fully understand, now I knew better. The guilt was still consuming me though. 

"What's eating you?" 

Refusing to acknowledge the question Bucky went on, "Did you hurt one of them? Was it an accident?"

I turned so quickly to look at him that I hurt my neck, "Ow, No. I mean yes, I mean," looking down, I leaned my head against the chair in front of me "I didn't mean to, but I nearly fired the guys brain, I was trying to make him faint so I could compel her but I just hurt him instead."

Leaning back in his seat Bucky extended his metal hand and rubbed small circles on my back, "It was an accident and he wasn't seriously hurt."

"His noise bled. What if I gave him an aneurysm?"

"He walked out of the elevator and they were gone out to dinner when I commandeered their passports and cash. If you had done that much damage he would have been in a hospital, you probably just rose his blood pressure a bit."

Turning my head to the side I smiled, "Thanks." smiling back he removed his hand and I instantly missed the calming sensation. "Get some rest were gonna be there soon." leaning back and Looking out the small window It struck me how beautiful the sea beneath us looked as the moon glinted off it. 

I closed my eyes but couldn't rest for long as I felt the guilt rolling off Bucky, I concentrated on his mind, he was thinking about what he had done, trying to remember who he was, sorry for the innocent people he had hurt, sorry that he couldn't remember their faces, sorry that he couldn't make things right with them. His guilt was so strong. He was so lost.

My heart constricted in my chest and I moved over wrapping my arm under his and resting my head on his shoulder. I didn't say anything, but I heard him sight as he rested his head on top of mine and felt him relax. 

Test Subject 13Where stories live. Discover now