Chapter 11

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Xiao Zhan didn't talk to either of them for a week. He wasn't ready. He knew that both of them would ask him to choose a side, which he can't. He was deep in his thoughts that he didn't know someone was calling for his name until he felt a poke on his shoulder. He then turned around to see Xuan Lu.

"What's on your mind that you didn't hear me calling you at least ten times?" she asked as she took a seat next to him in the school cafeteria. "I have a lot going on with life lately." Xiao Zhan sighed. "I don't have any shifts after this so as long as you've got time, I can listen." she patted Xiao Zhan's shoulder.

Xiao Zhan ended up explaining the whole story. To his surprise, Xuan Lu was calm the entire time. "Aren't you at least surprised... that I'm gay?" he asked, causing Xuan lu to burst into laughter. "No, I knew it long before you did. But sounds like you've got yourself into pretty deep trouble. I witnessed you and Ah Cheng grow up and I know what type of person you are. From the way you speak about your boyfriend, I can tell you really love him. You don't have to choose, Ah Xian. They're practically brothers and didn't you tell me Uncle Wang's dying wish is to mend their relationship, right? Two birds with one stone! Help them get along for the sake of Uncle Wang and bonus, you get a happy peaceful relationship." Xuan Lu suggested.

"But how? They hate each other to guts. Not to mention, I'm still mad about Wang Yibo lying to me." Xiao Zhan stated. "Ah Xian, he lied because he was afraid to lose you. I think that's an acceptable excuse. For them to get along, it's gonna be a long way but I have an idea. Invite them over dinner. And let them do all the work with one rule, no swearing, and no fighting. They'll break the rules the first time but slowly it will get better. Trust me. I don't know about your boyfriend but I know Ah Cheng will come around. If your boyfriend loves you enough, he will do so too." Xuan Lu raised her eyebrows and smirked. "Thank you so much, you know that it means a lot to me." Xiao Zhan almost cried of happiness.


Xiao Zhan was cutting onions in the kitchen. Finally, it was the ultimate dinner day. He was thinking of what to say when his thoughts were distracted by the doorbell. He rushed to the door and opened it. In front of him was Yibo. Xiao Zhan had texted both of them. 

"We need to talk, don't we?" Xiao Zhan asked. Yibo just nodded his head and walked into the apartment. "Sit down, we have another guest." Xiao Zhan said. Yibo immediately knew who it was but it wasn't the best idea to complain about it.

Soon, the second guest arrived. Zhuo Cheng walked into the house as he already knew the passcode, which silently pissed Yibo. "You called him too?" Zhuo Cheng immediately reacted when he saw Yibo sitting. 

"Yes, sit down. I'm doing the talking. From now on, you two are in charge of cooking and I'll be sitting here grading papers. Remember thanks to the two of you, I broke my wrist last week. And here are a few rules. One, no swearing. Two, no fighting. Three, eh... never really thought of number three. Anyway, those are the rules." Xiao Zhan ordered.

"What are you trying to do?" Zhuo Cheng complained. "Yeah, if you are trying to help us get along, might as well give up now." Yibo squinted his eyes. "Looks like we've found one thing you both agree to, but I DON'T. You guys are welcome to leave my apartment though." Xiao Zhan crossed his arms. 

"You are cutting the onions. I'll wash the vegetables." Yibo quickly said. "No, I'm washing the vegetable." Zhuo Cheng disagreed. "Rule number 2, no fighting." Xiao Zhan warned. Then the two brothers rushed their way to the kitchen. Yibo grabbed the vegetables as fast as he could. Xiao Zhan could only soft mumbling between the two which he was 99% sure they were arguing. However, it's still progress compared to fistfights.

"Zhan ge, dinner's ready!" Yibo said while setting the plates on the table. Xiao Zhan walked up to the table and sat down. "Do you want me to feed you?" Yibo offered. "No, I broke my left hand. I'm right-handed." Xiao Zhan rolled his eyes.

"Zhan ge, I bought your favorite green tea on the way." Zhuo Cheng pulled the packet out of his bag. "Thanks, I was running out of it anyway." Xiao Zhan smiled. The entire dinner, it was mostly Yibo and Zhuo Cheng trying to take care of Xiao Zhan in turns. 

"Zhan ge, can I stay over?" Yibo asked while leaning his head on Xiao Zhan's shoulder. Zhuo Cheng would die from cringe looking at the two of them. "Wang Yibo, since when did you get so touchy. I've got a lot of papers to grade tonight." Xiao Zhan pushed Yibo away, causing Zhuo Cheng to laugh.

"What are you laughing at?" Yibo squinted his eyes. They were then interrupted by the sudden doorbell. Who could it be? It was already around 9 pm. "You two stay seated, I'll go check out." Xiao Zhan stood up from his seat and went to the front door. To his surprise, it was Li Bo Wen. 

"W-what are you doing here?" Xiao Zhan freaked out. "I came to see you of course. Did you really thought I was going to give up?" Bo Wen stated as he handed over a bouquet of roses. "Is anyone home?" Bo Wen asked since the kitchen area couldn't be seen from the front door. 

"My-" before Xiao Zhan could continue, a voice interrupted him. "Gege~~~~~~" it was Yibo's voice. When he turned around, the sight in front of him caused Xiao Zhan's jaws to drop and eyes opened wider than ever. Yibo was half-naked and his hair was messy as if they had just slept together. 

"X-Xiao Zhan?! You- You- You had a boyfriend?!" Li Bo Wen freaked out. "Who is it? I was trying to sleep but you guys were so loud." Yibo pretended to be sleepy as he spoke slurry. "Go back to bed, I'll be right there." Xiao Zhan played along. Yibo then pulled Xiao Zhan and gave him a short peck. 

"I'm sorry Bo Wen. You saw everything." Xiao Zhan shrugged. "I guess I admit that I lost. One thing though, I knew you were gay." Bo Wen snatched the bouquet back from Xiao Zhan and ran away. 

After Xiao Zhan shut the door, Yibo and Zhuo Cheng suddenly burst into laughter. "You should've seen that guy's face!" Yibo told to Zhuo Cheng. "Thanks to my brilliant idea." Zhuo Cheng added as he continued to laugh. Xiao Zhan couldn't help but smile. His planned had worked. 

The two boys never hated one another. They were just tangled in a twisted fate. The following weeks, they never admit to each other that they were getting along but they would hang out and play games together often. 


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