Chapter 4

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It was late midnight. Wang Yibo was on his beloved motorbike as usual. He wasn't with his gang that night. He just wanted to drive around alone. He then realized there were a couple of bikes that were following him. He tried to speed up but the bikes kept on following them.

Then suddenly one of them sped up and stopped in front of Yibo, forcing him to stop his bike too. The other guy took off his helmet and turned out it was He Peng. Yibo always enjoyed riding and sometimes he race for fun. However, Pei Xin liked to place a bet when he races. A month ago, Pei Xin lost ¥3500 and now he has been running away since he couldn't pay it back.

"Wang Yibo... where is Qi Pei Xin?" He Peng asked. Yibo huffed and looked away in his usual manner. "How am I supposed to know where he is?"

He Peng clenched his fist. Although Yibo never owed him money, it always pissed him off that he has never won Yibo in a race. "Wang Yibo, I'm not asking you twice." He Peng warned.

"Then what? Are you gonna fight me?" Wang Yibo chuckled. He Peng couldn't take in any longer and threw a fist towards Yibo, who fell on the street due to the impact. He Peng and his gang started to kick Yibo who was on the floor until someone shouted.

"Stop! Stop hitting him!" a figure headed towards them and pushed He Peng and his gang away from Yibo. "I called the police! If you don't want to get into trouble, leave now!" the figure yelled. He Peng and the gang quickly ran away with their bikes.

"Hey...are you okay?" the figure helped Yibo stand up. Yibo held his stomach in pain. When he looked up, he thought he was hallucinating. It was Xiao Zhan in front of him. He even thought he must've lost consciousness and he must be dreaming. But it wasn't a dream at all.

"I'll take you to the hospital, okay?" Xiao Zhan tried to carry Yibo on his back. Yibo heard small chatters but he couldn't understand them and soon everything went black. Xiao Zhan quickly parked the bike in a safe place and took Yibo to a nearby hospital.

When Yibo woke up, he immediately realized he was in a hospital. He was not dead, at least not yet. The nurse came towards him and checked his monitors. "Are you feeling okay? I've dressed your wound but you need to stay at the hospital at least one more night so that we could monitor you." the nurse said.

"Who... who brought me here?" Yibo asked weakly. "Your friend brought you here. He's at the counter paying. I've notified him so he should be here very soon." the nurse explained. "Oh there he is!" she then pointed at Xiao Zhan who came through the curtain.

"Senior... Senior Xiao?" Yibo's voices trembled a bit. "I remember you, aren't you my student? Is there any family member I could contact?" Xiao Zhan asked. Wang Yibo just shook his head. 

[A/N] *senior xiao*- xiao shi xiong (肖师兄)

"You're not a high school kid and I'm not responsible for you either. If you don't want to contact anyone, it is up to you. For the amount I paid, I believe you will pay me back soon. Next time, don't ride around at this time and be careful." Xiao Zhan spoke and grabbed his jacket, preparing to leave.

"Fine... the money I owe. I will definitely pay you back." Yibo stated. Xiao Zhan just nodded and left through the curtain. Yibo didn't know what else to say. He didn't speak much but he does know how to piss someone off. But surprisingly, he wants to be nice to this one particular person.


(A few days later)

Xiao Zhan was sitting in the canteen with Yu Chen and Xuan Lu. The two love birds were chattering and finally stopped when they noticed Xiao Zhan looked distracted and hasn't touched his food at all.

"Xiao Zhan, are you okay?" Xuan Lu asked. Xiao Zhan, still distracted in his thoughts didn't hear what she said. "Xiao Zhan?" Yu Chen slightly poked Xiao Zhan's shoulders. "Huh?" Xiao Zhan finally responded.

"Are you okay? You look like something's bothering you." Xuan Lu worriedly asked. Xiao Zhan let out a sigh before answering, "I have this kid in my class... he was in a fight with a gang and I helped him... and I paid for him-" before he could continue, Yu Chen cut him off. "Ah! He never paid you back, right? Xiong di, who is he? I will figure this out for ya."

Xiao Zhan looked at Yu Chen half annoyed and half speechless. "Aiya, be quiet. Let him finish!" Xuan Lu hit Yu Chen's back softly. "Well... he has a bit of an attitude... seems like he doesn't like me... but I don't know him at all... but somehow he feels similar to someone I know..." Xiao Zhan scratched his head.

"Umm... then is money the problem or the fact that you don't remember him is the problem?" Xuan Lu, who was also confused asked. "I don't know...  I just weirdly find myself thinking about him... feels like I owe him something. I don't know! It's complicated!" Xiao Zhan kept on mumbling alone.

"Don't you think he looks like someone in love?" Yu Chen quietly leaned against Xuan Lu and whispered. Xuan Lu placed her index finger on her lips, indicating him to shut up. "Xiao Zhan, why don't you eat your lunch first? Don't you have a class afterward?" Xuan Lu suggested. Xiao Zhan just nodded. He did eat but he didn't even finish a quarter of his food before leaving.


On the other side of the campus was a confused Yibo. It wasn't that Yibo didn't want to pay Xiao Zhan back. He just didn't know how to start the conversation. He thought if he met him tomorrow at the discussion class, he could pay him then. He kept on thinking various ways but couldn't come up with anything better.

"Yi- Yibo... isn't that... that your stepbrother?" Pei Xin pointed at Zhuo Cheng who stepped out of a familiar purple car. Then he stood next to his car, waiting for someone. Yibo, Pei Xin, and Hae Xun were hanging near the parking lot. Yibo just nodded his head.

For Yibo, he lost everything. Since was little, he could only see his father once a week. His mother was constantly drunk. When he was in high school, she got extremely sick with an undiagnosed illness and he was the one who took care of her since she didn't want to be hospitalized.

However, she went into shock recently and was hospitalized. She was the one who forced Yibo to live with his father from now on. Yibo didn't have a choice but to listen. He knew it inside that she doesn't have much time left and him reconciling with his father is her dying wish.

Despite all that, he knew that he will be never able to reconcile with his father. He always thought the cause of his mother being an alcoholic was all because of his father. If his father didn't choose to listen to his parents and marry his wife, Yibo's mother could've been the one who would legally marry his father and they would be a happy family. That's why since he was very little, he rarely had any close friends. He was always worried that they would be taken away. 

However, fate is not on his side again. Xiao Zhan came out of the faculty building and walked towards Zhuo Cheng. Yibo silently clenched his fist. Why does it always have to be him taking my things away?

"Oh my god! Isn't that Xiao Zhan, the legendary most handsome freshmen?" Hao Xun pointed at Xiao Zhan. Pei Xin took a look closely and nodded. "Right, the one who won the title most handsome guy on campus a few years ago. Just like the rumors, he is indeed very handsome."

Yibo silently looked at each and every movement Xiao Zhan did. The boy in front of him was white as snow and the sun reflected on his flawless black hair. His smile brought warmth while his front teeth stood out. He was just like a rabbit. 

"There were even rumors that he's gay because he never dated anyone. There were a lot of girls asking him out but he rejected all of them, including the most beautiful girl on campus. Looks like the rumors are true!" Hao Xun chuckled. "Ay Yibo, is your stepbrother gay? Is he dating Xiao Zhan?" Pei Xin asked.

"I DON'T KNOW!" Yibo then pushed Pei Xin who was leaning against him. He quickly grabbed his helmet and drove off in anger, leaving Hao Xun and Pei Xin speechless. He was angry at Zhuo Cheng. He was also angry at himself. Although he didn't want to admit, he knew that he likes Xiao Zhan. After all these years, he finally has feelings for someone but that someone belongs to someone he truly hates.


I don't know if this is super boring? Maybe care to comment? Thanks!

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