Chapter 9

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Monday. The school's open. That means Yibo was going to see Xiao Zhan. He was in his usual hang out spot with Hao Xun. Yibo kept glancing at the rear mirror on his bike, trying to fix his hair. After fixing his hair, he would check if his jacket was in position. Hao Xun immediately knew something was unusual. 

"Lao Wang... when are you planning to tell me?" Hao Xun asked with a smirk. "Tell what?" Yibo annoyingly rolled his eyes and looked away. "About you and your Senior Xiao of course! Didn't you guys went to the track the other day?" he kept smirking.

"Nothing much... we just kissed." Yibo shyly answered and turned his head away. "JUST KISSED? JUST? WANG YI BO? YOU KISSED XIAO- xiao zhan?" Hao Xun almost yelled Xiao Zhan's name but he decided to whisper.

"Can you like not yell?" Yibo squinted his eyes. "Oh my god, who kissed who? I bet you kissed him, right?" Hao Xun guessed. "Well, technically I did but later he kissed my forehead back." Yibo proudly said back.

Wang Haoxun couldn't believe what he just heard. He widened his eyes and leaned closer to Yibo and stared at him in disbelief. "Please tell me you're making it up," he said. Yibo just smirked and shrugged his shoulders. 

"So are you guys like officially together now?" Haoxun happily asked. "I don't know... he never said anything. He just left." Yibo explained the whole situation. 

"Sounds like... umm... one thing sure is that he definitely likes you but he cares a lot for your stepbrother, like A LOT which is kind of annoying... but on the bright side, he kissed you." Hao Xun shrugged.

"Hey, guys! I can't believe I failed a math quiz again." It was Pei Xin's voice from a thousand meters away. "I can't believe you still think you'd pass." Yibo rolled his eyes. "Anyway, that's not the point. Guess what kind of rumors I just heard?" he asked.

"No one is interested in your rumors. All I know is that I'm super hungry right now and can we go for lunch?" Hao Xun suggested while rubbing his tummy. "Aiyo, it's about Senior Xiao. I thought you guys would be interested since we were talking about him the other day."

"What about him?" Yibo quickly asked. Pei Xin looked at Yibo with a what-the-hell face. "Well, do you guys know Li Bo Wen? He used to be kind of famous back in the days. Guess what he was famous for?" Pei Xin asked.

"I don't know... for being handsome?" Hao Xun guessed. "Close enough. He was handsome but that wasn't the reason he was famous. He was famous for pursuing the school's most handsome guy, Xiao Zhan!!!" Pei Xin said.

Yibo and Hao Xun's attention diverted to Pei Xin who found that odd but decided to continue his gossip. "Of course he never succeeded. I think he went abroad right after graduation but now he is back. And as soon as he heard Senior Xiao is working at the school, he came here to meet Senior Xiao and even brought flowers. AHAHAH!" Pei Xin was laughing like an idiot but Yibo's expression darkened with jealousy while Hao Xun glared at Pei Xin with what-have-you-done look.

"Isn't it funny? Why aren't you guys laughing? He even brought a bouquet! Bouquet my ass... I'm literally dying. He showed up at the employee lounge. Senior Xiao must be very embarrassed." Pei Xin added.

Yibo grabbed his bag, preparing to leave but Pei Xin stopped him. "Where are you going? Hao Xun said he's hungry."

"Employee lounge." Yibo coldly answered.

"Employee lounge? Don't tell me the one and only Wang Yibo is going there to watch the drama?" Pei Xin widened his eyes and turned to Hao Xun. "Aiya, I'm hungry. Let's just go on our own, quick!" Hao Xun quickly dragged Pei Xin away.

Yibo paced his way to the employee lounge as fast as he could. When he got there, he found a lot of other students were circling in front of the employee lounge. He could hear small chatters but it wasn't clear enough because everyone was speaking at the same time.

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