Chapter 17: Ohhhh! You Were Sleeping In Claaaaass!

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Jerome's POV

I was in a peaceful state, encased in a void of nothingness and silence. I felt comfortable, not really aware of anything that was going on. It wasn't until a slight shaking of my shoulder that I was groggily pulled back into reality.

        I looked up through slits to see my World History teacher saying something about waking up and going home. I reached for my backpack once he had walked out of the room, probably to go copy papers, but I felt something heavy resting on my shoulder. I swiveled my neck slightly to see what it was, only to find my best friend, the Bajoon Canoodle, fast asleep. He snored loud, but I already knew that from sleepovers. I'd gotten used to it, but I had to, considering I'd known the guy since fourth grade. I shook his shoulder.

        "Mitch, buddy. Wake up," I told him. He groaned and slid off, flopping his head on the table. I laughed. He stretched his back. When he looked around and saw me, he grew a questioning expression.

        "Where is everybody?" he asked.

        "They all left," I answered. "We fell asleep at the end of class and Mr. [Awesome] woke me up so that I could wake you up. We missed the bus, so we could probably walk to my house, since it's closer, then your mom could come and pick you up." He nodded.

        We grabbed our stuff and made our way out of the school, not bothering to go to our lockers. As we stepped out into the bitter autumn wind, I pulled my hat down tighter on my head, Mitch hugging his jacket closer and rolling down his sleeves.

        We continued our walk, filled with twists and turns, sparking up some conversation and laughs to distract us from the weather, eventually coming up on the two story house that has become very familiar to the both of us. We raced up the walk and into the house, feeling the warmth surround us, causing a slight itch from the drastic change in temperatures. Neither of my parents were home yet, but we knew they wouldn't mind Mitch being here, seeing as he was almost family. In no time at all, (I love 'The Lorax' too much...) we had gone into my room and sprawled across the bed with our laptops. I took off my hat and allowed the brown particles to momentarily consume me. Mitch reached over and ruffled the fur on my head before logging into Minecraft. I gave him a smile and did the same. It had become routine that whenever we play Minecraft, just us all by our lonesomes, I would take off my hat, because Mitch said that he 'liked me better fluffy'. I didn't mind him petting me, I actually kind of liked it. I guessed it was animal instincts.

        Once Minecraft had started up, I clicked 'Multiplayer' and went onto the Nexus. We had been playing a lot of Hunger Deans lately. I got an idea and pulled out my phone, clicking the camera app and flipping the screen. I put my hat back on for just a second.

        "Hey, G. Take a selfie with me," I said in a playful voice. He laughed and opened his mouth wide, his face next to mine. I snapped the picture and he went back to his monitor. I put it up on Instagram and added a link to twitter. I silently chuckled to myself as I typed in the caption.

        'About to get on that recording grind with the bae! :),' it read. I showed Mitch and he almost died laughing. Trolling Merome fans was so much fun. I hit enter and set my phone down, turning back to the laptop, where my avatar was standing in the Hunger Deans lobby. I tore off my head-eater again and pressed 'W', walking up to a sign and clicking it. Mitch soon followed. We appeared on some platforms and the 'Power Moves City' map rendered around us.

        "Alright, Imma hit record," he told me.

        "Yeah. Get on that!" I replied. He laughed and clicked it at the same time as me.

        "Hey, what's goin' on, doods? It's Mitch, or BajanCanadian, here with Jerome for another #Merome Hunger Games," he started. I punched the screen and turned right.

        "To the left, to the left," I sang(ish). He laughed.

        "OO! DAT CLASSIC INTRO DOE! 5, 4, 3, 2, time to chop some skulls," he said, and with that, we launched off our stands and raced for the center chests. "Oo! Biggums! I got dat stone sword! Imma CHOP some fools!"

        "Up! I gots a wood axe and a carrot! We gonna win the Hungah Deans for sure!" I joked as we chased some noobs off spawn.

The funny part is that anybody who watches them know is that this actually happens on a daily basis... They're basically their own fanfiction! I don't believe them when they say they don't read it when they once said, "Just like in the fanfics!" Guys, everybody's read the fanfictions...have no shame. It's just a part of life...some people just choose to embrace it and write some themselves. :D I honestly have no shame. If I can write stories AND write about what happens when I eat real cheese...I don't think they should be afraid to just say the words, "Yeah, I've read a couple fanfictions." Sorry...THE RANTS BE SO REAL RIGHT NOW! D8 ...I bet so many people are concerned for my sanity... ,:) Now you know how @SkittlePegasususus, @TheKindPanda, and @21kiwi. Well, the last three chapters. Since you guys manage to somehow put up with my random a** sheep...I'm dedicating this chapter to you! :D FRIENDSHIP!

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