Chapter 2: PAAANNDAAAAA!!!!! 8D

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Panda's POV (Panda is one of my BEST FRIENDS!!!!! 8D )

My parents had gone to visit my aunt and uncle overnight and my brothers and sister were all at sleepovers, so I was alone in the living room, watching Minecraft videos by Team Crafted and texting my friend, Tomato (oo yeah! 8D). I was friends with most of Team Crafted, since a lot of them went to my school. We all sat together at lunch. Even though they were all very good friends, I have to admit that SetoSorcerer is my favorite member of the group (he's actually not her favorite in real life, but it's a part of the story line! Sorry, Panda, but you have to admit that Seto is pretty freaking boss!). I want to meet him, but even the guys have never met him in person and they want to respect his privacy. He probably doesn't want his name (Sorry, if you are reading this, Seto, but it already is!) or any of his personal information to end up on any fan sites. Completely understandable! I sighed as I watched one of his adventure map videos with my friends, Ty and Taylor, playing with them.

'I wonder what he really looks like,' I thought to myself, before laughing at something funny that they said in the video. All I heard about the guy was that he was in our grade. I knew that much because that's all that he would spill to the guys about himself. Even Ty doesn't know that much about him and Seto considers him to be his closest friend. 'The guy must not be very popular,' I joked in my head. Suddenly, my stomach rumbled.

I smiled. I got up and went to the kitchen to make my favorite snack! I opened up the cupboard and grabbed flour, an egg, and three cups of milk. I sat them down on the counter, when I noticed I was missing a key ingredient. 'Sugar.' I suddenly remembered a bunch of bamboo (that's what she calls sugarcane; I call it sugargane! :) ) on the bank of a shallow river in the birch forest behind the house. I quickly ran to get my green plaid jacket and raced out the back door. I took in a deep breath of the fresh air. I looked up at the sky and noticed that it was starting to get dark out. I had to hurry. I charged into the forest.

The Sorcerer (The All Powerful One) A SetoSorcerer Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now