Chapter 24- Payback isn't pretty

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It was dark.

'Crystal', I whispered gently. No response. I tried again.

What if I had actually lost her this time? All of this, all these years of chaos, only to lose her again? Tears began to fall down my face as I began to lose even more hope. I thought back to that girl who had built herself up so much, she walked down that school hallway with so much confidence. God, what had happened to me? I let him get to me. Feeling a sudden urge of anger I started punching the ground in anger.

'Fuck. Fuck!' The only words that spewed out of me along with some screams of self hatred.

'Shut the hell up! My head is pounding over here' I heard a voice. I snapped my head towards the voice.

'You're alive!' I couldn't help but beam in joy.


Ignoring her reply, 'I was crazy worried! We have to get out of here right now! I'm going to kill this bastard.'

She slowly began to sit up, clutching her rib cage with one hand whilst pushing herself up with the other.
'You're not going to do anything. Just like you didn't back then.' I was shocked at her words. How could she think I hadn't done anything?
'What? Are you crazy?'
With a sinister smile, Crystal spoke again 'you were supposed to protect me. Sister mum they all used to say! So how did you let this happen? How?!'
She was on the verge of tears and her voice rising a few octaves.

I was in shock. I couldn't form any words but many were clouding my mind. What the hell was she saying? Surely he had brain washed her. This couldn't be my Crystal. She was blaming me for everything that had happened, rather than him?

Just as I was about to retaliate, faint laughter passed by one side of the chamber. That must be where the door is. I crawled over, pain shooting through each one of my limbs. I used my hands to pat down the wall and feel for any crevices. There must be a key home or something where I could see out. Nothing.
Frustration hit me again, I couldn't believe I was stuck in this situation where my own sister was cursing me.

I sat on my bum, back touching the wall where I hoped the door was.
'Crystal, listen to me carefully. Ever since that night, all I've done is think about you and how I'm going to get revenge. That's it. I have my whole life for this. I'm sorry I couldn't be there to protect you in the moment but since then, it's been the only thing on my mind. You wouldn't be able to imagine what I've been through.'

She cut me off before I could continue, 'what you've been through? Are you fucking kidding me? Are you actually joking? He's had me in here or somewhere dark for so long that I don't even know what day it is. I can't remember the face of my parents. I can't remember what the fucking sky looks like, Carter! My body, it's not even mine anymore. It never was after that night. I can't even feel it when he touches me now. Can't imagine what you've been through? I don't give a shit what you've been through. Why are you here anyway? If it wasn't for you, I'd either be dead or be killed by now. Something I've been praying for each night!'
Her breath as heavy as the silence that now surrounded us. I didn't say anything, I couldn't, I didn't know what to.

Weeks passed and we continued to rot.

My thoughts were overloaded in my mind. I could close my eyes and hope that I wouldn't hear them anymore but they were loud. Open my eyes and I could see Crystal withering away. We didn't speak.

One of his boys had come in a few days ago or perhaps it was yesterday. I couldn't quite figure it out. He left us food and some water. Not enough for one person but we ate every morsel even from the monster's hands.

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