14 ♥ Chastity

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"What?" I heard a female voice shriek as I entered the drama building for rehearsal.

"Chastity, I'm very sorry. Auditions were mandatory, but I know how involved with the theater you are so I'm willing to give you a small part if you would like."

"A small part? Are you kidding me? I deserve the lead! I was sick, I couldn't come to auditions, but please remember. I am the best actress in this school."

"The girl who was cast as Juliet is actually quite amazing. A new student, I believe."

"This is ridiculous! What kind of program are you running here? This whole production will fail without me."

"Would you like a small part or not?" the director asked, looking irritated and offended.

"Yes, of course. This play needs me." She stormed out of the room, walking right past me. She didn't even acknowledge me.

I knew the name Chastity. The girl Jackson told me about. The one who always got the lead roles with him.

She was pretty. Long curly blonde hair, big eyes, and perfect makeup. I wished I could do my hair and makeup as good as her. Her outfit was on point too. I was envious. She was obviously better than me. For some reason, it felt wrong for me to have the part of Juliet. I felt guilty, out of place. I didn't belong here. She did.

"Hello, Alisha," the director greeted me with a smile. "Sorry if you heard all that. Chastity loves the spotlight."

"Yeah," I smiled nervously. I waited around for the rest of the cast and crew to arrive. Jackson showed up looking slightly stressed out.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Chastity is just...upset. It's nothing," he assured. The director started talking, and everyone shut up.

We didn't do much acting on day one. I was almost grateful. I dreaded the moment when the realness of being Juliet began. The realness of acting alongside Jackson, playing his love interest. That's when the guilt would begin. That's when I would feel like I was doing something wrong, even though I wasn't. Niall's words from before played through my mind.

After rehearsal, Jackson and a bunch of his friends invited me to join them for some food. Apparently it was something they did after every play practice. Jackson called Chastity and invited her to join us, even though today's rehearsal was only for important roles. She showed up anyway. Jackson didn't really stop paying attention to her the entire time.

I kind of wished Chastity got the part of Juliet instead of me. It would have made everyone happier. Jackson, Niall, Chastity, and even myself. I wouldn't feel so bad.

I met a bunch of Jackson's drama friends. I didn't think he had many friends, but I was proven wrong.

After everyone started to leave, I went right back to my dorm and called Niall. We talked for hours, but I had a question that I somehow couldn't force out.

"I have to get going," he eventually said, a yawn escaping. "Talk to you later, babe."

"Wait," I said. He waited patiently on the other end of the line. "That girl that cheated on you and Jackson," I said slowly. "What was her name?"

He sighed. "Why are you asking?"

"I'm just curious."

"It doesn't matter anymore," he said. "She's part of my past. She doesn't matter. I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay? Goodnight."

He hung up, and I was left wondering.

Sooo thanks for reading :) ilysm<3 i hope you like it and sorry i take forever to update. Let me know what u think! Happy nanowrimo x

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