12 ♥ Cast List

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"No fucking way," Jackson said, rather loudly, while checking his phone in the middle of our study session.

"What?" I asked.

"The cast list is out."

"It is?!"

"Check your email."

I pulled out my own phone and found an email from the director waiting in my inbox.

I didn't hesitate to click the attached document containing the entire cast list. I found my own name printed toward the top. The very top.

Juliet......Alisha Ba

As I read down the list, I nearly choked.

Romeo.....Jackson Sunderland

It wasn't surprising at all that he has gotten the part of Romeo. The only problem was that I didn't actually expect to win the role of Juliet.

"Congratulations, newbie," he said.

"Yeah, um, thanks. You too."

"Better not tell the boyfriend. He'll be jealous," he joked, a serious and irritated tone to his voice. I rolled my eyes.

Niall and I actually had confirmed to be dating the day before. Three days after our kiss in the closet.

Jackson has been hostile toward me ever since that party, and I wanted to tell him to grow the fuck up. But I needed him and couldn't afford to have him pissed at me any more than he already was.

Except at that point, I had had enough of his remarks about Niall.

"Jackson, I know you don't like him," I confronted. "But I'm going to do whatever the hell makes me happy."

"I'm looking out for you, smartass. He's going to hurt you."

"From what I heard, what happened with that one girl was a misunderstanding on his part. He was just as hurt in the end as you were-"

"Bullshit," he slammed a fist onto the table. "I loved her. I fucking loved that girl, and if it weren't for him things never would've ended between us."

He was so upset, and I didn't have the heart to argue him further on the subject.

"I'm not here to relive the past that I wasn't involved in. I'm just saying, I can look out for myself and Niall isn't going to do anything to hurt me. You can hold back on the asshole comments when I'm around. He is actually my boyfriend now."

"Fine," he grumbled. "I'll see you later."

He packed up his stuff and stormed out of the building. Who knew Jackson was capable of so many emotions?


short chapter. Oops. I think I updated all my stories this weekend. That was the goal (: haha sorry for any mistakes. I've been writing on my phone recently because my laptops a bitch.

How do youuu think this whole romeo-juliet thing will play out with niall? ;)

thanks for reading, and I love you so much x

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